Surfing's negative environmental impact...
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Green Toys vehicles: Classic toys get upcycled - (Z Recommends) "Green Toys is out to recast the classics from recycled HDPE plastic...new line of recycled plastic trucks." Also see older post - Recycle Play Dishes from Green Toys.
Food Stuff
- Enjoy lunch with SIGG - (ecollo) Lovin' these lunchboxes!
- The superfoods you should be eating - (ecollo)
- Blue Ice American Organic Wheat Vodka - (Mother Nature Network) "...clean and a tiny bit spicy without too much of that after burn..."
Home Stuff
- How to Keep Your Vegetable Garden Pest-Free - and Pesticide-Free - (Chelsea Green) For those of you planning on growing your own victory garden.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Eco Chick's Totally Unofficial and Entirely Subjective Earth Day Fashion and Beauty Finds - (Eco Chick)
Tech & Science Stuff
- Camelina Jet Fuel Could Reduce Emission By 84% - (EcoGeek)
- West Coast Electric Car Corridor Taking Shape as Nissan Adds Seattle Partnership - (Gas 2.0)
- Green Calculator for Blackberry - (TakePart Social Action Network) For all you eco-"Crackberry" addicts.
Work & Business Stuff
- Green Job Listings - April 28, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Fossil Fuels Industry Ignored its Own Scientists on Climate - (EarthFirst) "So deep in denial is the fossil fuels industry, it ignored its own scientists when they offered advice on climate change that the industry did not want to accept."
- American Believe Global Warming is Happening - to Everyone But Them - (EarthFirst) Seriously people...can we all wake up here?!
- Ban Fishing, Say Conservationists - or Fish Are Sunk - (EcoSalon) "Why? Because many fish stocks are in deep crisis - not just depleted but at such dangerously low levels that their ability to reproduce is threatened, making their recovery more a question of If rather than When."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Disneynature Targets Earth Day 2010 With New Film OCEANS - (Ecorazzi) "A teaser trailer has been released for OCEANS — which will (obviously) narrow the focus of EARTH to what lies beneath the waves around the world." (video in post)
- Greening the music industry - (Mother Nature Network) "While major labels struggle with implementing eco-initiatives, smaller labels pick up the slack."
Website Stuff
- New Green Social Site Just for Kids: Habitat Heroes - (Eco Child's Play) "...an interactive online destination where kids can adopt an endangered animal, create a life for it, play games, learn facts about the planet, and communicate with other young conservationists." Hey, if they're gonna get online...
International Stuff
- Composting Dirty Diapers in Toronto - (NYTimes.com: Green Inc. Blog)
- Spain Plugs In World's Largest Solar Tower - (EcoGeek) "In Seville, Spain yesterday, the world's largest solar tower came to life and started generating electricity. The PS20 plant has a capacity of 20 MW and will be able to power 10,000 homes."
- Climate Change Increases Cholera in Africa - (EcoSalon)
- Bolivia: Soudi Arabia of lithium - (Mother Nature Network) "CNN ran a great piece about what it means to have the worlds supply of a necessary ingredient for electric cars tied up in one country." (video in post)
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- Obama Makes Largest Commitment to Science in US History - (Red, Green and Blue) "President commits more than 3% of GDP to research & development..."
- Obama Reverses Bush Rule On Mountaintop Removal Mining - (TheDailyGreen)
- The Greenest 100 Days - (TheDailyGreen) "Nearly 100 actions to aid the environment and invest in clean energy make Obama's first 100 days very green indeed." (multi-part post)
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Meet the eco-barons - (Mother Nature Network) Book about "titans who are measured not by their bank accounts, but by their impact on the planet."
- Save trees while you print - (Mother Nature Network) "A new software makes green printing one step easier."
- The next big wave - (Mother Nature Network) "Surfers may seem like free-spirited nature lovers, but they’re now facing the consequences of their sport’s negative environmental impact."
- THE GREEN PARTY: A Mother's Day bouquet - (Mother Nature Network) Join Danielle to learn how to make your mom a Mother's Day present she won't soon forget: a beautiful, organic bouquet of flowers." (video in post)
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