Obama Chop Shop Tee: Official Design
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Rocket Baby: A funny take on a serious matter - (Environblog) Video on post.
Food Stuff
- Mars Sets Goal of Sustainable Cocoa Sources - (The Washington Post) Taking a cue from Cadbury...but still a long way to go.
- Chocolate Produced by Child Labour Sold in Finland? - (Uutiset| YLE.fi) "The NGO Swedwatch has discovered that Swedish confectionary manufacturers have not taken measures to prevent the use of child labour in cocoa harvesting. Chocolate industry runs on child labour..."
- Mars Promises Candy from Sustainable Cocoa - (Fast Company)
- Chocolate's dark secret: Slavery claims leave bitter taste - (Sunday Star Times) this article is from a newspaper in New Zealand...glad to see the issue being addresses worldwide!
- The lowdown on agave nectar and other 'natural' sweetneners - (Grist) A great recap of various natural sugar alternatives.
Home Stuff
- Green Pet Care from a A Dog's Life, Cat Genie and Doggie Dooley - (EcoStiletto) "When you’re looking for ways to green your life, don’t forget about your pets."
- Upcycled Umbrella Raincoats Keep Dogs Dry - (Inhabitat) If you're into dressing your dog...have a look.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Eco-Friendly Acne Skincare from CTRL, Arcona and OrMedic - (EcoStiletto)
- Reconstructing Vintage: Deborah Lindquist, Doucette Duvall, Born-Again Vintage and Tra Tutti - (EcoStiletto) "...with yesterday’s treasure-troves of pristine pre-worn clothing wearing thin, today’s designers are looking at ways to deconstruct what’s out there, salvage the wearable parts, and present them as new."
- Eco-Fashion Shows Celebrating Earth Day - (EcoSalon)
Tech & Science Stuff
- Ethanol Production Consumed 861 B Gallons of Water in '07 - (EcoGeek) "This is water that, in recent years, has been in significant decline in America's food-growing states."
- A Tongue-in-Cheek Guide for Green Gadget Buyers - (Fast Company) This is funny...
- The 3Wheeler Vehicle - (GreenMuze) "The future of inner city traffic could belong to three wheeled vehicles..."
- The Original SUB - Saturday Morning Cartoon - (The Good Human) Just a little more humor...
- 9 of the World's Most Amazing Wind Farms - (WebEcoist) Great pics...
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Executive Director, Friends of the Urban Forest - (EarthFirst)
- Green Job Listings - April 10, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Extinction Sucks - What are You Gonna Do About it? - (EarthFirst) "The first ever online wildlife TV series, “Extinction Sucks”, is now on free independent Web TV service Babelgum."
- One-third of Sea Turtles Have Plastic in their Digestive Systems - (EarthFirst) "...scientists have proven that sea turtles are indeed ingesting plastic. Necropsy reports on leatherback turtles found that 1/3rd of them had plastic in their digestive systems."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Edward Norton's OBama Documentary To Get Theatrical Release - (Ecorazzi) " Edward Norton’s Obama documentary — now officially titled: BY THE PEOPLE: The Election of Barack Obama — will be receiving a theatrical release from HBO Documentary Films."
- Big Orange Recycled Rabbits - (GreenMuze)
- World's 1st Green Grand Prix - (GreenMuze) For all you racing fans...
- Dance goes green - (Mother Nature Network) "Long concerning itself with social issues, modern dance is increasingly incorporating environmental themes into its works—both artistic and otherwise."
Website Stuff
- Google Earth's Most Interesting Environmental Maps - (Sierra Club: The Green Life)
International Stuff
- Geothermal Delivers Free Energy to 200,000 in Italian City - (EcoWorldly) "In the heart of Tuscany the city of Grosseto has recently presented an important eco-building project, the first in Italy that will allow residents to forget completely house bills."
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- Michelle & Kids Working on Kitchen Garden - (Obama Pics Daily) The first Lady is so cool!
- White House Releases Souvenir Easter Egg - (Obama Pics Daily)
- Obama Chop Shop Tee: Official Design - (Obama Pics Daily) If you're a 60's and Beatles fan, you'll love this.
- Pesticide Lobby Bugged by Michelle Obama's White House Organic Garden - (Sustainablog) Of course...
- Green Power for the People - (Mother Nature Network) Chicago's Near North Apartments "...a model for an innovative, sustainable way to approach housing built for low-income people."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- It Makes Perfect Cents - (ecofabulous) "Josh Dorfman’s new book, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is the perfect solution for anyone feeling financially restricted, yet still committed to doing their part to lowering the country’s carbon footprint."
- What's the Green Pope Been Up To? - (Red, Green and Blue)
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