Bottled water exposed - in pictures (Enviroblog)
Food Stuff
- Top 5 Foods for Healthy Skin - (Feelgood Style)
Home Stuff
- Efficient Modern Home Built for $70K - (Jetson Green)
- Chlorine-free swimming pools - (Mother Nature Network)
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Star Wars Earth Day Organic T-Shirts For Green Jedi, Sith - (Ecorazzi) For the eco Star Wars fan...these just put a smile on our faces.
- A Prime Example of Eco Footwear - (Feelgood Style) Simple Shoes... "nice little shoe company getting in touch with its inner hippie." We especially love their kids line.
- Be Graceful and Cruelty-Free with Vegan Terris Strappy Ballet Flats - (Jolly Green Girl) Adorably cute and only $35!
Tech & Science Stuff
- Artificial Trees To Absorb Carbon Dioxide - (AboutMyPlanet.com) Hopefully people won't see this as the solution to greenhouse gases, but merely a way to buy some time as we begin to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels.
- Car Companies Standardize Plug for Electric Vehicles - (Gas 2.0)
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Human Resources Associate, Rainforest Alliance - (EarthFirst) "The Rainforest Alliance is an international nonprofit organization that works to conserve biodiversity and ensure sustainable livelihoods by transforming land-use practices, business practices and consumer behavior."
- Green Job Listings - April 19, 2009 - (green Gigs)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Be A Green (Prom) Queen - (ecofabulous) "Last week marked the launch of Project Green Prom, a nationwide effort by environmentally conscious teens to transform their traditional springtime rite of passage into a planet friendly event."
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Blue Planet Expedition: Alexandra Cousteau Visits Okavango Delta, A Cradle of Life - (Blue Living Ideas) "This is the third post in a series that follows Alexandra Cousteau’s Blue Planet Expedition, a 100 day journey to 5 continents to study the interconnectivity of water." (video in post)
- The Metamorphosis of Butterflies - (Environmental Graffiti) Just some neat pics.
- The Most Terrifying Bird on Earth - (Environmental Graffiti) - This is one crazy lookin' bird. (video in post)
- The Destructive Process of Mountaintop Removal - (WebEcoist) Pictures speak a thousand words.
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Who's Who in Green: Rachel McAdams - (EarthFirst) "...acting isn’t McAdams’ only passion. She’s an environmentalist, too, and even has her own green blog – Green is Sexy."
- Morrissey Walks Off Stage After Meaty Smell From Crowd - (Ecorazzi) Seriously!
- Ashton Kutcher Wins Twitter Battle With CNN, Makes $100K Donation to Malaria Fund - (Ecorazzi) "To watch the live reaction of Kutcher, wife Demi Moore, and friends as they passed the one million mark last night, check out the video..."
- Oprah doubles Kutcher's Malaria Donation On Twitter - (Ecorazzi) Looks like celebs are raising charity dollars on Twitter...cool!
Website Stuff
- The Green Talk Network - (showtheLOVE) "After a nearly two-year hiatus to 'recharge', 'refuel' and 'refresh' her decade-long quest to bring green content into the mainstream media, eco-pioneer Betsy Rosenberg is back with a new call-in radio talk show."
International Stuff
- The Podcar: A Cross Between a Taxi and a Personal Bus - (Gas 2.0) "Madsar City, located within Abu Dhabi, is introducing persona rapid trasit 'podcars'."
- Mass Farmer Suicide in India - (GreenMuze) "...example of how global climate change will affect the poorest in society first. Perhaps some of the shame of these farmers debts and their subsequent suicides should be borne by those of us who over-consume and grossly contribute to greenhouse gases, for which others, who can ill afford it, actually pay the price."
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- What's Your New Beginning? - Rolling with Unprecedented Change - (Culture Change) Interesting food for thought.
- EPA Starts Testing Pesticides. Finally - (EcoGeek) Scary thought that they weren't testing before!
- EPA Takes Another Step Towards Regulating Green house Gases - (EcoGeek) "...regulation could be as little as 60 days away..."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Hand-rolled beewsax birthday candles by Zoe - (Celebrate Green) A great little project to do with the kids.
- Bottled water exposed - in pictures - (Enviroblog) Funny cartoon.
- Green weekender: Make your Earth Day plans now - (green LA girl) If you happen to be in LA for Earth Day, here are some great suggestions.
- The Peepoo Toilet Bag - (GreenMuze) "...more than 2.6 billion of people have no access to basic sanitation...The Peepoo is a portable, biodegradable personal toilet system for individuals who lack access to basic sanitation."
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