Virupaksha Temple at Hampi
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Loopwing Wind-Powered Toy Car - (Inhabitots) "Want your tots to grow up with an appreciate for renewable energy technology?...this is the perfect thing to inspire kids to learn some basic engineering principals, all while having eco fun!"
Food Stuff
- Monsanto Forced Fox TV to Censor Coverage of Dangerous Milk Drugs - (Chelsea Green) Everyone should read this!
- GMO Crops Threaten Biodiversity - (ecomii)
Home Stuff
- San Diego's Revolutionary Solar Plan - (CleanTechnica) "...a revolutionary program goes into effect that allows residents to pay for solar panels through property tax bills over a period of 20 years."
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Mollie Dash: the Name, the Jewels, the Green! - (EcoSalon) "Drool worth jewels" made from "discarded, thrifted, donated and yard sale-derived materials." Yes, they are oh so cool looking!
- Get Buff: Make Your Own Shoe Polish on the Cheap - (Lighter Footstep) This might be a good one to try.
Tech & Science Stuff
- The Electonics Recycling Superguide - (PCMag.com) "...how to recycle your used electronics through manufacturers, your local electronics stores, and online trade-in programs that offer you cash or gift cards." It's all here.
- Coming Soon: America's High-Speed Rail Network - (Fast Company) "President Obama outlined an ambitious plan today to bring the United States up to speed--literally."
- First Look: Peapod's Minimalist Electric Car - (Fast Company) "...an all-electric mini-car with a four-person capacity and a grille that seems to smile. Sure, it only goes 25mph with a 30-mile radius, but the uber-cheap buggy will have green enthusiasts lining up to buy in fall 2009..."
- Future Now: Solar Plug-in Stations - (Jetson Green) "This is ChargePoint, an electrical plug-in station that’s powered and monitored through a smart network."
- Kyocera Unveils Kinetic Flexible OLED Cell Phone - (Inhabitat) "...a kinetic energy-powered phone that is capable of folding up like a wallet." Cool!!
School, College & Student Stuff
- Your school could win $20K to go green - (Mother Nature Network)
- Project Green Prom's winning video - (Mother Nature Network) "...Project Green Prom, the contest put together by Whole Foods and Teens Turning Green to help teens share prom greening tips with other teens. The contest asked teens to submit a 3-minute video that answered the question, 'How would you ‘green’ your prom?'" (video in post)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- California at the Tipping Point: Global climate change today - (green LA girl) This KQED program "covers changes that are already happening in California, from our shrinking water reservoirs due to mountains getting more rain and less snow, to severe and earlier forest fires, to localized species extinction happening in some areas, to the potential for flooding in the Bay area." (video in post)
- Best If We Stay Out Of Their Way - (Leslie Miles) Just some amazing pics of animals.
- Red List of Endangered Species: 'Bleak' - (Mother Nature Network) "An astonishing percentage of the world's species face the threat of extinction."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Looking for eco-flicks with lots of kid appeal? - (Ideal Bite) "...eco-themed movies for the 12-and-under set."
- Classical Pianist Uses Recycled Chips Bags for CD Cases - (EarthFirst) Very cool!
- Will Ferrell Survives Mother Nature In Episode of 'Man Vs. Wild' - (Ecorazzi) "Grylls shows Ferrell what it takes to find food in the icy coniferous forests as they climb trees, improvise snow shoes from saplings, drink their own urine and eat reindeer eyeballs." Ewww!!
- Nicole Richie Vlogs To Raise Awareness Of Violence In The Congo - (Ecorazzi) "Nicole Richie has just released a new video also urging people to support ending genocide, rape, and violence in the Congo." (video in post)
Website Stuff
- Why Buy When You Can Barter? Top 20 Trading Websites - (EcoSalon) More than just Craigslist here.
- Cost2drive widget tracks the real cost of driving - (Mother Nature Network) "Type in your destination, and Cost2drive figures out your gas costs and CO2 emissions."
International Stuff
- 7 Lost Cities of India - (Environmental Graffiti) Cool pics...
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- Transition or Die: Four Timelines for Four Futures - (Chelsea Green) "...the four most likely paths that societies around the world will take when confronted with the realities of peak oil. All societies will struggle—some will go extinct. But with the proper foresight and planning, a few societies will thrive in the low-energy future."
- San Francisco closes the lid on garbage - (Mother Nature Network) "Recycling and composting expected to be mandatory by year's end."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Celebrate Earth Day 2009 with a Green Apple Festival Concert - (Green Living Ideas) "Concerts with famous music acts will be organized in 10 cities across America."
- Green shipping sets sail on the Web - (Mother Nature Network) "From direct shipments to carbon offsets, the shipping industry is using technology to go green."
- 22 Things You Didn't Know You Could Compost - (WebEcoist) From nail clippings, to vaccum cleaner dirt, to roadkill...ewww!
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