Amazing sand art by Peter Donnelly
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Natural Allergy Relief: Ready to nix your kid's allergy meds? - (Ideal Bite) "...treat allergies with a drug-free, saline nasal rinse. It'll relieve your kid's itchy, sneezy, runny nose just as well as tradish nasal sprays, but without synthetic residues and side effects - plus no toxins bringing down our waterways." Love nasal rinses for ourselves...wonder how well it go with the little ones...hmmm...
- Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood [video] - (Eco Child's Play) "The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) has just released a documentary called Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood about the 'pervasive and pernicious effects of children’s advertising on the health and well-being of kids.'" (video in post)
Food Stuff
- Book Review: In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto - (EarthFirst) "...lays out the history of nutrition in America, the vicious cycle of food-related disease we’ve gotten caught up in and how you can shop and prepare meals to avoid ending up with diabetes, heart disease or other health problems yourself."
- Look Closely - Your Tofu and Soy Milk May Not Be Organic - (Eat. Drink. Better.) "...a recent report raised serious questions about many brands of soy products."
Home Stuff
- 9 Great Eco Cleaners for Your Home - (EcoSalon)
- Covered by Coconut - (EcoSalon) Cool decorative tiles made from Bahia coconut shells that can be used for walls, floors and furniture.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Norma Kamali Goes Eco Friendly - (EcoFashionWorld) Norma Kamali brings affordable organic cotton clothing to Walmart.
- Hempday - (ecofabulous) Some very cute handbags made from hemp.
Tech & Science Stuff
- Sensaris Lets You Wear the Air Quality on Your Sleeve - (EcoGeek) Is this a gadget we really need??...or will it get tossed!
- Guy Builds Electric Motorcycle From Junk - (Gas 2.0) "...He Also Made A Solar And Wind-Powered Charging Station For The Bike."
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: GreenBridge Program Manager, Brooklyn Botanic Garden - (EarthFirst)
- What are green-collar jobs? - (Green For All)
- 4 Green Writing Jobs for the Holiday Weekend - (Green Gigs)
- Green Job Listings - May 21, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Green College Spotlight: Stanford University - (EarthFirst) "Granted an A- by the College Sustainability Report Card (the highest grade awarded), Stanford University excels in nearly every category rated from administration to transportation."
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Global Warming Could Be Twice As Bad As Thought - (AboutMyPlanet.com)
- New MIT Study Shows Risks of Climate Change Doubled form Previous Assessment If No action Taken Now - (Global Warming Is Real)
- Coral is Too Precious to Wear - (EarthFirst) "Think twice before buying anything made with real coral: that’s the message that SeaWeb is sending out as coral reefs decline around the world."
- The Beauty of Birds Flocking Above [PICS] - (Environmental Grafitti) More cool nature pics.
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Getting Music Online: Tune Up - (Ideal Bite) CDs are made from petroleum-based plastic, and album CDs usually cost more than downloadable albums. Check out this post for great digital music sources and what do do with your old CDs.
- Who is the sexiest celebrity vegetarioan of them all? - (ecollo) Oh...just for fun.
- Cate Blanchett Urges Business Leader To Curb Carbon Emissions - (Ecorazzi) Lovely Cate...we adore you!
- Sand Art: When Beaches Become Giant Artistic Canvases - (Environmental Grafitti)
International Stuff
- Carteret Islands Evacuation: Climate Change Refugees in the Pacific? - (Blue Living Ideas) "...being called the world’s first evacuation of an entire people as a result of climate change..." It's happening!!
- Indonesian Orangutan Habitat Wiped Out for Airport & Brothel - (EarthFirst) "The root of the problem...is that officials are giving away land spaces to people to win their votes in the local administration elections. What it comes down to, as usual, are two of mankind’s biggest weaknesses: greed and the desire for power."
- World's First Active House in Denmark - (Jetson Green) "...a highly efficient home that captures more energy than the occupants need for heat and power. In particular, this Denmark Active House should generate enough electricity over 30 years to cancel out the energy costs of building it."
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- President Obama on Memorial Day - (Obama Pics Daily)
- The True Oil Cost of the Military Monster - (Culture Change) As always, this website posts some very interesting perspectives...worth pondering.
- Hopi Nation to Sue the U.S. Government Over Environmental Charges - (EcoSalon) "Imagine your village’s water supply was about to be contaminated by nuclear waste from a nearby dump and the federal government simply offered to put a fence around it..."
- Ex-Pentagon Officials: Energy Efficiency Directly Related to National Security - (Red, Green and Blue) You'd think conservatives would be all over this and rooting for alternative energy - regardless of climate change.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Shrinky Dinks: Grain Surfboards - (Daily Candy) "The environmentally friendly wave riders are crafted from local white cedar planks in Maine. While they may seem heavier than the typical fiberglass variety, the boards are incredibly buoyant and produce gnarly momentum..."
- JUNKMAIL Saturday Night Live Green - (CTN Green News) "Junkmail tops the list of unopened postal paper waste by volume, with newspapers, catalogs and magazines topping the list by weight. Megatons. Daily." See video - hilarious!!
- Should've Been Plugged Out At Birth No. 29 - (Do The Green Thing) Now, we love our chocolate, but this has got to be the most ridiculous thing we've seen.
- Make It Green: Dream up ideas that'll green up our planet. - (Yahoo! Green) "We’re looking for the best green do-it-yourself ideas... Submit your idea, and if it’s chosen, you could see your product on store shelves, get $2,500 and a share of the sales, and possibly appear on the Everyday Edisons TV show..."
- Help EWG Bottled Water Research (and win a prize!) - (Enviroblog) "Environmental Working Group wants to make sure bottled water companies give you accurate and useful information about their water sources, purification techniques and water quality testing results. But first, we need to do some research. And that's where you come in."
- America's Energy Illiteracy - (Focus Organic) "...jaw-dropping facts that depict Americans' energy illiteracy according to Public Agenda, a nonprofit research group." This is very sad...and why we must all keep passing on the info!
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