What is Coco-Zen?

Coco-Zen is a state of nirvana achieved by surrendering to the taste and aroma
of luscious, rich chocolate.

It's knowing that you are helping our planet and its people,
because all of our treats are handmade from organic and Fair Trade Certified™ chocolate.

A state of ecstasy, peace and harmony, Coco-Zen is oneness with chocolate.


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Stuff We Found This Weekend - 05.03.09

Outside the Columbia Convention Center in South Carolina, where Senator Obama would soon be speaking.

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Home Stuff
  • A House Made from Sh*t...Literally - (EarthFirst) EcoFaeBrick...brick made from cow dung to build houses. How'd you like to live in a house made of these?
  • Recipe of the Month (for furniture polish) - (green is sexy) "Most store bought polish, spray and wax contains any combination of petroleum distillates, nitrobenzene, synthetic fragrance, silicones and/or solvents." Here's a real simple DIY recipe...gonna try this one ourselves.

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Work & Business Stuff

School, College & Student Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
  • Lisa Simpson is the latest victim of climate change - (ecollo) "Say hello to the newest pitfall of climate change: environment-related despair. ERD (as we're choosing to call it) is the disorder Lisa Simpson was diagnosed with on a recent episode of The Simpsons..." Jump to video clip.
  • Crude Documentary at 52nd San Francisco International Film Festival - (Sustainablog) "...with center of the film swirling around a legal case about the black gold being pumped out of the jungles of Ecuador. Some have called the case the “Amazon Chernobyl” but whatever the name, Berlinger delves head first into this the David versus Goliath story that circles around one of the longest and most controversial legal (not to mention environmental and human rights) cases ever."

Website Stuff
  • Green youngsters can become Kid Gurus - (ecollo) "The KidGurus social networking site is where young people of all ages are flocking to submit poems, essays, videos and stories they've created themselves."

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

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