Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- (Dia)per Your Request - (Ideal Bite) "...EarthBaby'll deliver compostable wipes and diapers (sizes 1 to 6 for babes, and pull-ups for toddlers) to your, um, crib, and then pick up the soiled ones (same day each week) for composting."
- Recycling Toys For Kids - (GreenMuze) "...Überstix line of toys made from recycled objects. Creative kids can make a pirate ship that actually floats, a 1,200-piece Empire State Building replica and a child-safe craft-cutting tool all made with recycled materials."
Food Stuff
- Cadbury Pledge Major Boost to Fair Trade - (OneWorld.net) More coverage on Cadbury going Fair Trade.
- TransFair USA Increases their Product Offerings - (Change.org: Fair Trade) "That means fruit juices, nuts, spices, herbs, avocadoes (!!), dried fruit, potatoes, soybeans and more."
- RECIPES: Soups to Welcome Spring - (Green Living Ideas) Yummy, easy soups to try at home...of course, try to use organic ingredients! The Strawberry Balsamic Soup sounds interesting.
- In Chocolate We Trust - (Jolly Green Girl) Askinosie Chocolate.
- 10 WTF Statistics on Meat and Global Warming - (Price of Meat) Pass this one along!
- You Don't Have to Be a Vegetarian to Talk (or Blog) About Meat and Global Warming - (Price of Meat) 'Cause we certainly aren't.
Tech & Science Stuff
- The Next Generation of Alternative Energy: Plug and Play Solar Panels - (CleanTechnica) "Want solar power on the cheap?...innovative panel design requires only a screwdriver and a standard home outlet"...and it's only $600!
- Soil Powered Lamp: A Fresh Take on "Dirty Energy" - (Inhabitat) "Maintaining a Soil Lamp is as simple as watering a plant - just feed it a splash of water every now and then to keep the energy flowing."
- 'Smart computing' could reduce IT power comsumption by 50% - (Mother Nature Network)
Work & Business Stuff
- Green Job Listings - March 11, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
- Jobs in solar power sector - (Mother Nature Network) "Solar energy jogs: so hot right now. Here's help on how to find one."
- How to find green jobs - (Mother Nature Network)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Earning a degree in green - (Mother Nature Network) College of the Atlantic "...received praise from Hillary Clinton and was listed by the environmental news website Grist as the greenest university ... has been held up as the national model for environmentally-committed institutions of higher education.
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Top 10 Climate Change Deniers - (EarthFirst) Yup, Gov. Palin is on the list.
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Win a date with Michael Scott and Liz Lemon! - (Celebs Gone Good) "30 Rock’s Tina Fey and The Office’s Steve Carell are offering fans a chance to win a spot on their latest film, Date Night and have raised big bucks for charity in the process!" Monies will go to Dream Yard and The Urban Ecology Institute.
- Paul McCartney Backs World Fair Trade Day - (Change.org: Fair Trade) Fair Trade Day is May 9th!
- Disney Unveils its Green Strategy - (TreeHugger) Good start, but maybe they can also offer some organic food choices??
- Oprah May Hook Up With Ashley Judd On Mountaintop Removal - (Ecorazzi)
- Sting Talks Of His Life As A Farmer, Upcoming Release Of Organic Wine - (Ecorazzi)
- Green (and Blue) Films Hit DC - (Oceana) If you happen to be in DC, check out the Environmental Film Festival starting today...and most of the film can be seen for free!
- Battle for Terra Trailer - There's a new animation coming out about aliens whose planet is invaded by humans fleeing a dying Earth. Yup, we humans are the bad guys! Check out the trailer.
- Green movies for kids - (Mother Nature Network) Mr. Furry Fur Fur and His Friendly Earth Friends - watch the trailer.
Website Stuff
- Valebrity.com - Hey Twitter fans...ever see a profile of someone who claims to be a celebrity? Now you can check their Twitter handle and see if they are the real celebrity or a fake. (We know...not a green post.)
International Stuff
- A Swedish City goes Cold Turkey on Fossil Fuels - (EcoSalon) "Can an entire city eliminate the use of fossil fuels?" Read on...
Political & Social Stuff
- Will Public Shaming Force Companies to Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions? - (Fast Company) "...US Environmental Protection Agency's new proposal for a comprehensive national reporting system for greenhouse gas emissions...will help the government gauge the severity of our greenhouse gas problem, it will also have the added benefit of allowing the general public to pick and choose which companies to support based on emissions."
- Are GOP Leaders with Rush Limbaugh on Global Warming? - (Red, Green, and Blue) Video in post.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Planning a Green Party - (GreenMuze) Some great little tips for greening up your next party.
- Going GREEN on St. Patty's Day - (KSTW.com: Project Green) Tips on how to wear, drink, celebrate and support GREEN this St. Patrick's Day.
- Which Is Worse? Hummers Or Toilet Paper? - (EcoGeek) What do you think?
- Arctic Circle - A Daily Global Warming Comic - (TheDailyGreen) Today's comic strip.
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