Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Teaching Kids Water Conservation - (Ideal Bite) "Wanna help your kid dip a toe into conserving water?"
- Teach kids the ABCs of going green - (Mother Nature Network) Book review - An Environmental Guide from A to Z.
- Domino effect for BPA - (Safer States) "The momentum to ban bisphenol A (BPA) in children’s products continued to grow this week, with one commentator predicting that it would only be 'a matter of a few years at most, babies living in the USA will likely be off the BPA-laced formula.'"
Food Stuff
- Monsanto, the FDA, and genetically modified seeds - (Enviroblog) Video in post, too.
- Perfectly Sculpted Melons - (Environmental Graffiti) Just some really amazing food art...never seen anything like this.
- The meat complex: Fox News - (Grist) "Fox News story advocates for reducing meat consumption to combat global warming." Yes, Fox News!
- Toxic Take Out? - (showtheLOVE)
Home Stuff
- TED - Growing AIR - recycle indoor air 100% with just 3 plants - (CTN Green News) Guess what plants are going in the office.
- Floating Solar House by Kingsley Architects - (Environmental Graffiti) This takes house boating to a whole new level.
- Earl's Montesilo House on the River - (Jetson Green) Here's an interesting green home made from two corrugated silos.
- Biodegradable Hens & Chicks Rice Hull Urn - (showtheLOVE) Perfect for adding a little greenery indoors.
- Natural Flea and Tick Control for Dogs - (TheDailyGreen)
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Tween and Teen Toxin-Free Beauty: Good For You Girls and Teens Turning Green - (EcoStiletto)
- Target Partners With Organic Line Loomstate for Spring! - (Inhabitat) Woo hoo...can't wait!
- Lead in Lipstick - Another Reason to Go Organic - (Organic Makeup and Skin Care) We always suggested checking EWG's Skin Deep Database with all your cosmetics and beauty products (if the actual product is not listed, check the ingredients).
- What Organic Price Gap? - (showtheLOVE) Cute organic cotton girls dress for $34 at Gap!
Tech & Science Stuff
- ROBOT FISH to Study Harbor Waters - (CTN Green News) "...school of mechanical, battery-powered robots in the shape of fish will be released into a Spanish port to help monitor pollution there..."
- Amazing Green Technologies from Young Innovators - (WebEcoist)
Work & Business Stuff
- 7 Hot CEOs and Their Cool Green Companies - (TreeHugger) Yea green companies and entrepreneurs!!
- Great Green Job of the Week: Recruitment Intern for Boston Green Corps - (EarthFirst)
- Enter The Clean Tech Open - (Green Gigs) "...the Clean Tech Open is the leading clean tech business competition and has helped more than 120 entrepreneurs launch green companies to date. The goal: create 100,000 green-collar jobs in the next five years."
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Rising Seas Not Your Problem? Think Again - (EarthFirst) "Thanks to rising sea levels, much of Manhattan will begin to experience “violent and frequent” storm surges as the 21st century unfolds."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Michael Jackson Drinking Bling H2O Makes Sense On So Many Levels - (Ecorazzi) NOT! Bling H2O...W-T-F!!! Seriously?!! The only way this would make sense is if the company was a non-profit and the sale raised money for those that don't have clean water to drink. Hmmm...now there's an idea!
- Disneynature To Plant A Tree For Every Person Who Sees "EARTH" Opening Weekend - (Ecorazzi) Grab the kiddies! Time to go see a movie! April 22nd is the opening.
- Disney's Environmental Goals: Greenwashing or Corporate Responsibility? - (Eco Child's Play) Wish they'd add at least SOME organic foods to their menus and offer better choices for our kids.
Political & Social Stuff
- The Great AIG Tomato Toss - (MoveOn.org: Democracy in Action) "Don't throw bonus money at AIG, throw tomatoes." Take your anger out by tossing virtual tomatoes at AIG, and then sign the petition to Congress to get our money back.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- World Water Day 2009 - (Blue Living Ideas) World Water Day is today...watch this video.
- Tap Project: One Dollar Provides a Child with Safe Drinking Water for 40 Days - (Blue Living Ideas)
- Can Fair Trade End Human Trafficking: Rugmark - (Change.org: Fair Trade) Human trafficking in the rug making trade.
- 7 Creative Uses for Old Tennis Balls - (EcoSalon) Never would of thought of these!
- Earth Hour concert at LA LIve 3/28 - (green LA girl) For those of you who will be in LA during Earth Hour.
- Soles4Souls Helps Consumers Recycle Shoes - (Ecoscraps)
- Calling 'em Out: The World's 10 Worst Greenwashers - (WebEcoist)
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