What is Coco-Zen?

Coco-Zen is a state of nirvana achieved by surrendering to the taste and aroma
of luscious, rich chocolate.

It's knowing that you are helping our planet and its people,
because all of our treats are handmade from organic and Fair Trade Certified™ chocolate.

A state of ecstasy, peace and harmony, Coco-Zen is oneness with chocolate.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stuff We Found Today - 03.05.09

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Home Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Work & Business Stuff

School, College & Student Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

Website Stuff
  • Green Magazine - (CTN Green News) This is a way cool online magazine. Not only does it cover and discuss green topics, but the way you interact with it is pretty neat - they even call it a"a living document". Check it out!
  • We Left a Big Shoe to Fill: Zerofootprintkids.com - (ecofabulous) "By entering in information about transportation (do you walk, take the bus, or do your parent’s drive you to school?), what you eat, home and school, what you use, and what you throw away, each child can calculate his/her carbon footprint and take note of what they can do to minimize it."
  • Al Gore Bringing .eco to the Web - (EcoGeek) "Gore and his Alliance for Climate Protection are partnering with Dot Eco LLC, a group of Hollywood and environmental-activist types, to apply for the .eco domain on the web. The domain will be used for companies, organizations or websites promoting environmental causes and a majority of the profits from the sale of those domain names will go to environmental philanthropies."

International Stuff

Political & Social Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

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