Food Stuff
- 10 Foods to Prevent Cancer - (Eat. Drink. Better.)
- RECIPE: The Dark (chocoalte Knight orange cookies... Just as hot as Christian Bale! - (Gree With Glamour) Chocolate and orange? Mmm, a favorite flavor combo of ours. Just remember to use Fair Trade/organic dark chocolate!
Home Stuff
- Granite Countertops & Radon: What the Granite Industry Doesn't Want You to Know - (Green Building Elements) CA residents can get a $5 radon test kit...go check your granite counter tops!
- Poll: How Green Could You Be? - (EarthFirst) "How many energy-saving home projects would you be willing to take on if stronger tax incentives were in place?"
- The Sliding House by dRMM - (Inhabitat) This is a way cool house!
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Who's Who in Green: Linda Loudermilk - (EarthFirst) Eco-fashion "can be edgy, loud, fun, playful, feminine (or not) and hyper-cool."
- Renewable Dress Design by Fernando Brizio - (EarthFirst) Interesting idea. Would you wear it?
- Victoria's Secret Introduces Organic, 100% Vegan, Eco-Friendly Collection - (Ecorazzi) Wonder how these beauty products rank on EWG's Skin Deep Database?
- Eco-Fashion Sales - (green LA girl) Great line-up of discounts from some supercool eco-fashion sites.
Tech & Science Stuff
- New $3 LED Bulb Lasts 60 Years - (CleanTechnica) Just too bad we have to wait another 2 years before it's available.
- GreenWheel Transforms Bikes from Pedal-Powered to Electric - (EarthFirst) Convert your own bike to an electric? Cool! Too bad it's not out yet.
- Greenopia Releases Online Green Ratings for Automobiles - (msnbc.com)
- DOE Want To Put CO2 Underground - (EcoGeek) So this is great for all the CO2 we're producing now...but how lond can that last?? Hope this type of technology doesn't make us apathetic to solving the REAL problem of CO2 production to begin with. Seriously, can it be good to put all that into the ground?
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green job of the Week: Administrative Assistant, TheGreenOffice.com - (EarthFirst)
- Promote World Fair Trade Day with the Fair Trade Resource Network - (Change.org: Fair Trade) "The Fair Trade Resource Network is looking for a Student Outreach Intern to help promote World Fair Trade Day."
- Win a $200,000 Grant from Green Mountain Coffee - (Green Gigs)
- Green Job Listings - Feb. 20, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- 7 Color-Changing Wonders of the Animal Kingdom - (WebEcoist) Nature is always interesting...
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Rated (G)reen: the Best Environmental, Food & Health Movies - (Eco-Chick) Well, it is Oscar night...
Political & Social Stuff
- Massachusetts Considers a 'Hummer Tax' - (EarthFirst) Ooooo...you know there's going to be some grumblings over this one.
- FLOTUS hosts "Sweet Honey in the Rock" at the White House - (Obama Pics Daily) Pics of the 1st Lady and she looks amazing...she just rocks.
- EPA Likely To Regulate Emissions For First Time - (EcoGeek) "The move would serve as an official recognition of global warming as an environmental threat."
- Obama's Weekly Video Address: The American Recover and Reinvestment Act - (Red, Green and Blue)
- White House Governors' Dinner | The East Room - (Obama Pics Daily) Wow! Now that's a handsome looking 1st couple!
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Chanel Segway May Hint That the End Of The World Is Near - (Ecorazzi) Seriously - who's buying this?? Maybe someone in Dubai.
- Wouldn't it be cool if: Cigarette Edition - (Recycle Your Day) While we agree that getting people to stop smoking (and keep people from starting) is the ideal, here are some interesting ideas on dealing with all the cigarette butt litter.
- Battery Recycling Just Got Easier - (showtheLOVE)
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