- Alternative Energy Education: Fuel Cells, Hydropower, and Global Warming Science Kits - (Eco Child's Play) Super cool kits for your budding enviro-scientist.
Food Stuff
- Brewer To Turn Beer Waste Into Fuel For Its Trucks - (The Huffington Post) The brewer is Sierra Nevada.
- Green Beer, Sober Cows - (Eco Child's Play) Who knew cows got drunk?
- The Many 'Cides of Modern Food Production - Saturday Morning Cartoon - (The Good Human) Funny, yet sad because it's all too true.
- Oh-So-Sustainable Sushi - (Sierra Club: The Green Life) Couple of handy guides/books to sustainable sushi.
Home Stuff
- Tom Stanley Green Tip: Refrigerator Energy Saver - (Chelsea Green) Here's an easy little tip illustrated in video.
- Green Sheets and Ham - (EcoSalon) Dr. Seuss inspired organic bedding for kids from Pottery Barn.
- How to recycle your CFL bulbs - (green LA girl)
- Greening Up The Family Pet - (Eco Child's Play)
- Pedoodles Toddler Shoes From Recycled Materials - (EcoStiletto) There's a 40% off discount offer through EcoStiletto!
- A new ethical wardrobe for recessionary times? - (AFP) A trend called "Slow Wear" focuses on quality and longevity rather than quick and disposable fashion.
- So Ethic So New - (EcoFashionWorld) For all us eco-lovin' fashionistas.
- New Blissful Organic Cotton Spring Fever - (Feelgood Style) A preview of H&M's spring organic cotton line due to hit stores soon.
- Sustainable Skivvies For A Greener Valentines - (Inhabitat) Some good basics as well as some super cute ones for VDay.
Tech & Science Stuff
- Tweet-a-Watt? Gadget Twitter Your Energy Use - (EarthFirst) Apparently this gadget has "the power to embarrass you into improving your energy consumption habits."
- Environmental Graffiti's Guide to Black Holes - (Environmental Graffit) 'Cause we're wannabe science geeks.
- 25 Amazing Facts About Your Brain - (Environmental Graffiti) 'Cause it's interesting.
- First Aptera Electric Cars Roll Out: Vehicle of the Future? - (Fast Company)
- Scientists close to breakthrough in cloaking technology - (gnews) Not really a green post, but just so darn interesting.
- Rise of the Smart Grid - (TheDailyGreen) A good little recap/explantation if you don't really understand what the Smart Grid is all about.
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Copywriter & Public Relations Specialist - (EarthFirst) It's for the California Center for Sustainable Energy.
- Green Job Listings - Feb. 6, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Scenes From an Eco-Disaster: The Tennessee coal ash spill as you've never seen it before. - (TheDailyGreen) What clean coal?!!!!
- 7 (More!) Phenomenal Wonders of the World - (WebEcoist) Crazy nature pics here!
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Ambassador Angelina back in action! - (Celebs Gone Good) ...one of our favorite do-gooder celebs.
- Celebrity Veganizer Rory Freedman Offers Valentine's Day Contest - (Ecorazzi) She's giving away some free stuff!
- The 10 Most Romantic Ecotourism Destinations - (TheDailyGreen) We can dream, can't we?
- ECO ART: Want to Hug a Tree? Get in line! - (Inhabitat)
Website Stuff
- Wanna expand your kid's eco-bandwith? - (Ideal Bite) "Connect 'em with enviro-cational websites designed just for youngun's."
- Gazelle: Get Cash For Your Gadgets - Here's a site that pays you for your old electronics and either refurbishes and resells, or recycles them for you. They even pay for shipping and send you a box!
International Stuff
- Who's Who in Green: Wen Bo, Chinese Environmental Activist - (EarthFirst) There's hope for China especially with the youth.
- Turning Airport Travelers' Breath into Fuel - (EarthFirst) Over in the U.K...
- Energy Generating Speed Bumps Get Green Light in London -(EcoWorldly)
Political & Social Stuff
- Would Val Kilmer Be a Better Environmental Governor Than Arnold Schwarzenegger? - (Red, Green and Blue) Wow, Batman is running for New Mexico governor...really??!
- Pres. Obama Addresses Economic Stimulus [video] - (Red, Green and Blue)
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Executive Compensation and Corporate social Responsibility - (Chelsea Green) Can you imagine if public corps actually did this? What a paradigm shift that would be.
- Boy Scouts of America Clearcut Forests, Leave No Trace - (Planetsave) This is just sad.
- Organic Coupons - (showtheLOVE) Here's a great list of websites where you can download coupons for everyday organic products.
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