Toilet made from poo also makes energy from poo.
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
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Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Ultimate Healthy Parenting Party in Santa Monica - If you're in LA this weekend, check this out...celebrates the release of Smart Mama's Green Guide: Simple Steps to Reduce Your Child's Toxic Chemical Exposure. First 150 people to show up will get a goody bag filled with awesome green stuff (and Coco-Zen lip treats will be in there!!).
- Pesticide Exposure Linked (Again) to Parkinson's Disease - (TheDailyGreen) "See which foods have pesticide residue with the organochlorine chemicals linked to Parkinson's disease."
- Set An Example Of Planetary Stewardship For Your Kids - (The Good Human)
- Roundup - the American Week-Killer - Is Likely Killing American People, Too. - (Chelsea Green) "...new research has intensified the debate that Roundup, the popular weed killer created by Monsanto, also kills human cells."
- Natural, gender-neutral pretend play with Ryan's Room - (Z Recommends) "...all-wood and cloth construction and relatively gender-neutral themes... Figures are poseable, and play sets offer a wide variety of pretend play options."
- Inhaling Exhaust LInked to Premature Babies - (TheDailyGreen) "Study links pollution from vehicle traffic to serious pregnancy and birth health issues."
Food Stuff
- Food, Inc Inspires Moms To Cut the Crap - (TakePart Social Action Network) "I know crap isn’t a polite word but how else do you describe the stuff that is marketed and sold to kids as food?..."
- World's Fourth Largest Cattle Beef Trader Takes Initiative to End Amazon Destruction - (Green Living Ideas)
- How To Find Out If There Are Pesticides in Your Baby's Food - (Eco Child's Play) "A new site called What’s On My Food..."
- The Oil Intensity of Food - (Sustainablog) "...prospect of peaking oil production has direct consequences for world food security, as modern agriculture depends heavily on the use of fossil fuels." Something to really think about...
Home Stuff
- The Hidden Formaldehyde In Everyday Products - (Natural Health & Organic Living Blog)
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Nursing Tops: Feel like staying covered up while you nurse is a big production? - (Ideal Bite) Some super cute nursing tops made of vintage fabrics (think, reuse) and organic cotton...wish we had know about these a few years back!
- Wow! LTD from Greenloop. Designer Vegan Shoes - org. $299 now $49 GO! - (via EcoAvenueLTD on Twitter) For the truly eco-fashionista.
- Love This Deal! From Nimli - 30% off Sust clothing. Ecologically & socially savvy - code SUST30 - (via EcoAvenueLTD on Twitter)
- Love This Deal!! From Greenloop - Nothing over $30 sale on select sustainable fashions. - (via EcoAvenueLTD on Twitter)
- Sexy and Sustainable Style at Project Earth Day Showcase - (TheDailyGreen) Green is sexy...some really gorgeous designs here!
- What's So Eco About H&M, Banana Republic and DKNY? - (EcoStiletto) "It’s one thing for a big clothing retailer to launch an eco-friendly capsule collection... It’s quite another to make going green an ongoing commitment."
- Get Your Kicks - (ecofabulous) Check out the these sneakers..."100% fair trade-certified organic cotton canvas uppers and an FSC-certified natural rubber sole"... They look like the classic Converse.
Tech & Science Stuff
- Nissan Will Open Electric Car Factory in U.S. - (TheDailyGreen) "Green jobs are coming to Tennessee, thanks to a $1 billion investment in a new electric car and lithium-ion battery factory.
- Chicken Feathers May Fuel Hydrogen Cars in the Future - (Inhabitat) Hmmm...kind of interesting.
- LOOWATT: Toilet Made From Poo Transforms Excrement into Energy - (Inhabitat) Yes, you read that right... "Form follows function to whole new level..."
Work & Business Stuff
- Green Jobs Driving Economic Growth Faster than Other Industries - (Opposing Views)
- Green job of the week: YouthBuild green building specialist - (Mother Nature Network) The Eagle Ridge Institute is searching for a green building specialist as part of the AmeriCorps VISTA YouthBuild USA program.
- Green Jobs for Freelancers & Telecommuters - 6/24/09 - (Green Gigs)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Do clean schools make kids sick? - (Kid-Safe Chemicals Act)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Skilled Creatures that Aid Humans in Unusual Ways - (WebEcoist) Because we can (and must) coexist together... Plus, some pretty cool nature pics.
- Large "Dead Zone" Predicted For Gulf Of Mexico This Summer - (Terra Daily) "...scientists from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, Louisiana State University, and the University of Michigan is forecasting that the "dead zone" off the coast of Louisiana and Texas in the Gulf of Mexico this summer could be one of the largest on record."
- Alaskan High School Kids Document Climate Change in Their Own Village (Video) - (Twilight Earth) "A trio of high school students in the rural fishing village of Kwigillingok, Alaska, made this video of the climate impacts that they’re experiencing."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- YERT: The Film - "YERT (Your Environmental Road Trip) is a groundbreaking adventure and a celebration of the American spirit in the face of adversity - a thought-provoking, inspiring, and sometimes hilarious, documentary about the courageous and creative individuals, groups, businesses and leaders of this country who are tackling the greatest environmental threats in history." See trailer in post.
- NatureAir - World's First Carbon Neutral Airline - (Focus Organic)
- Come Party with the Green Girls this Saturday in LA - If you're going to be in Los Angeles this weekend...check this out.
Website Stuff
- Microsoft Debuts Home Energy Conservation Website - (TakePart Social Action Network) "The software giant announced today it is debuting its power conservation website, Hohm, which will help you go green."
International Stuff
- Ghana: Digital Dumping Ground - (PBS: Frontline World) "On the outskirts of Ghana's biggest city sits a smoldering wasteland, a slum carved into the banks of the Korle Lagoon, one of the most polluted bodies of water on earth. The locals call it Sodom and Gomorrah." This is shocking & terrible! (video in post)
- Clean energy bill needs our support - (Repower America) Call your Rep today (video in post)
- He's Barack Obama (Jib Jab Superhero Spoof) - (The Art of Obama) Whether you're an Obama fan or not...this is HILARIOUS! (video in post)
- The First Families host a luau @ the White House. - (Obama Pics Daily) Some fun, light-hearted pics...best one is of Rahm Emanuel in the dunking booth.
- Press Conference: Close-ups, Snark and Lulz. - (Obama Pics Daily) It's not really the pics that are so interesting, but the comments down below...seriously funny!
- Video: Obama says energy bill is jobs bill - (Mother Nature Network) "President Obama asks Congress to support his energy bill, turning the country toward renewable sources of energy while creating new industries and jobs."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Coal's Health Costs In Appalachia Outweigh Economic Benefits - (Twilight Earth)
- Stopping Junk Mail: Chain Mail - (Ideal Bite) "...sign up for an unwanted-mail (including phonebooks) reduction service. It'll shield you from paper and energy waste, as well as major hassle."
- Green Your Wedding: Food - (Sierra Club: The Green Life) "Serve sustainable cuisine"...and don't forget the Fair Trade organic chocolates for your dessert spread!
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