Darryl Hannah arrested for mountaintop removal protest
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
Food Stuff
Home Stuff
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Tech & Science Stuff
Work & Business Stuff
Nature & Environment Stuff
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
Website Stuff
International Stuff
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Mom, will this chicken give me man-boobs? - (Mother Nature Network) "One mom's confused, guilt-ridden and stressful struggle to raise a green family." A perfect (funny) book for all us mommies trying our best to go green.
Food Stuff
- Is Hershey's Secret Ingredient Child Slavery? - (Change.org: End Human Trafficking) "Across Western Africa, and especially in the Ivory Coast, children are held in slavery and exploitative labor situations. And it's all in the name of chocolate produced by the world's leading corporations."
- Food, Inc., Takes on Industrial Agriculture: NY Times - (Chelsea Green) "What Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle did for the meat-packing industry, Robert Kenner’s new film aims to do for modern industrial agriculture..."
- New local fish eating guidelines for SoCal: Bye bye to barred sand bass - (green LA girl) "Southern Californians got a new set of safe eating guidelines for local fish — with far stricter warnings than before!"
- The Wild Bunch - (ecofabulous) This children's mobile made from bamboo is adorable...and sustainable.
- Green Dog Odor Remover Now Available At Wal-Mart - (EcoFriendlyDaily.com) "...some odor removers that are eco-friendly put out by a company called Clean + Green."
- Recycled Egg Carton 'Tamago' Furniture by Merci Design - (Inhabitat) "...upcycling of egg carton pulp into multifaceted children’s play funiture."
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Eco Couture Bridal - (GirlSustainable.com) Vert pieces by Jessica Iverson are truly beautiful...especially love the Eden dress - perfect for the boho goddess bride.
Tech & Science Stuff
- Turning Rotten Bananas into Bricks of Fuel - (EarthFirst) "...turning rotten banana peels into briquettes that would not only provide fuel but also help reduce deforestation by limiting reliance on firewood."
- New Tiny Toyota Available in the UK Now - (EcoGeek)
- ExxonMobil Takes Auto Industry by Storm With Launch of Maya 300 - (Gas 2.0) "...a lithium ion battery powered car that can drive up to 120 miles on one charge..." -from an oil company!
- ZeroFuel Car Uses Pee For Hydrogen Power - (Gas 2.0) "A pee-powered car? Well, why not."
Work & Business Stuff
- Bright Green Talent - These guys found us on Twitter...looks like a great site to check out if looking for a green job, or if you're an employer with green jobs available.
- Green Job Listings - June 22, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
- Green jobs for prisoners - (Mother Nature Network) "Inmates in four Washington state prisons are joining the green jobs revolution."
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Learning to Live With Climate Change Will Not Be Enough - (Culture Change) "Now, facing climate destabilization, our choices for action are said to be adapting to a warmer world or mitigating the severity of climate change by sharply reducing greenhouse gas emissions..."
- End of the Line: We'll be Out of fish by 2050 - (EarthFirst) "Imagine a world without fish. Such a scenario wouldn’t just affect what ends up on your dinner plate – it would have global consequences, from dramatic changes in ocean ecosystems to worldwide famine." Another documentary we should all see.
- 15 Caterpillars That Should Just Get a Freakin' Haircut - (Environmental Graffiti)
- The cutest and Deadliest Frogs on Earth - (Environmental Graffiti) The name says it all...
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Celebs are blue in the face for change - (Celebs Gone Good) "The goal of Oxfam’s new “Blue in the Face” campaign is to encourage world leaders at the climate summit in Copenhagen this December to take real action around global warming." (video in post)
- Darryl Hanna Arrested After Mountaintop Removal Protest - (Ecorazzi) ...along "with about 30 other people — including were NASA scientist James Hansen and former Rep. Ken Hechler..."
- Scary, beautiful trash bag creatures - (Mother Nature Network) Cool street art - video in post)
Website Stuff
- A Great Resource for a Greener Car - (ecollo)
- Move Over, Webkinz: Here Comes MokuZoku - (Eco Child's Play) "The problem with most computer games and web portals for kids is that they keep kids glued to the computer, with no incentive to go outside and simply have fun. A new company, MokuZoku, aims to change all of that with a series of games that motivate kids to get out and play."
International Stuff
- Solar Energy from Africa could Power Europe - (EarthFirst) GreenerCars.org... "It's a web site with over 10,000 vehicle ratings and lots of great articles on how to drive green, green automotive technologies and much more."
- Toronoto's new green roof law a first for North America - (Mother Nature Network) "Bylaw requires some new developments to devote almost 60% of roof space to vegetation."
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- White House Building Three Kitchen-Waste Compost Bins - (Ecorazzi) "...the White House kitchen is getting ready to contribute to next year’s garden by installing three compost bins on site."
- US Government May Bulldoze 50 Cities; Create More Green Space - (Inhabitat) "The Obama administration is reportedly considering plans to raze sections of 50 economically depressed US cities, condensing these towns’ shrinking populations and city services to smaller areas. The plan, dubbed 'shrink to survive'..."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- San Franciscans Will Have to Pay Up for Not Recycling - (EcoGeek) "The San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed an ordinance that makes they city's recycling laws the strictest in the nation."
- Coffins get green and creative - (ecollo)
- 350.org Video: 'In Every Corner of the Globe' - (Live Earth) "350.org has a great new video that really sums up their movement toward legislation in every corner of the globe in the fight for a fair climate treaty."
- Video: forests popular dumping ground for old TVs - (Mother Nature Network) So sad that people actually do this. Come on folks...just recycle!
- Top 10 green U.S. cities - (Mother Nature Network) - The usual suspects are listed (San Francisco, Portland) but there are a few unexpected...like Chicago?
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