What is Coco-Zen?

Coco-Zen is a state of nirvana achieved by surrendering to the taste and aroma
of luscious, rich chocolate.

It's knowing that you are helping our planet and its people,
because all of our treats are handmade from organic and Fair Trade Certified™ chocolate.

A state of ecstasy, peace and harmony, Coco-Zen is oneness with chocolate.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

VIDEO: Consequence: Now's the Time for Us to Lead

"There is no doubt that green jobs are the future. There is no dispute that global warming is real, and that if we fail to act the consequences will be dire. President Obama declared "Now is the time for us to lead" on climate change.

Now is also the time for our generation to lead on climate change. Youth must lead because we have the most to lose. If progress is blocked by old political forces and special interests, we will be the ones facing the consequences. "

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