Michael Jackson "Earth Song" Tribute At Grammy Awards
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
Tech & Science Stuff
Work & Business Stuff
Nature & Environment Stuff
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
International Stuff
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
Food Stuff
- Green and Black's go 100 per cent Fairtrade - (Confectionery News) "Organic chocolate maker Green & Black's said it is bolstering its commitment to sustainability by moving its entire global food and beverage range worldwide to Fairtrade."
- Nestle to move on Hershey - (Confectionery News) "Swiss food giant Nestlé is understood to be looking at acquiring US confectioner Hershey, following on the heels of rival Kraft Foods takeover of Cadbury, reports Reuters." Looks like the big chocolate companies are on the move...
- Farm To (Your) Table - (Trend Central) "Fresh, local fare can now be delivered as you like it..."
- Coca-Cola Goes Green - (Forbes.com) Huh??? Can they really ever be green?
- A no-seat home appliance rebate resource - (Mother Nature Network) "Designed to take the guesswork out of buying energy-efficient home appliances, EcoRebates.com includes a state-by-state rebate database of available incentives."
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Emma Watson Shows Off Eco-Friendly Tree People Collection - (Ecorazzi)
- 7 Offbeat Eco-Fashion Accessories Made From Upcycled Circuit Boards - (Ecouterre) A little silly, but fun to look at. Check out the the men's undies...haha!
Tech & Science Stuff
- Rubber Material Harvests Energy from Small Movements - (EcoGeek) "...scientists envision the chips being placed next to the lungs to utilize breathing motions for powering pacemakers." Whoa... cool!
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Environmental Education Instructor, YMCA Camp Thunderbird - (EarthFirst.com)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Make No Mistake: Antarctica is Shrinking - (EarthFirst.com)
- Pandora On EArth: 12 Places And Things That Remind Us Of Avatar - (Ecorazzi) some pretty breathtaking pics...
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Green Music Group: Saving The Environment With Sweet Eco-Harmony - (Ecorazzi) "Described as a 'large-scale, high-profile environmental coalition of musicians, industry leaders and music fans' focused on 'using our collective power to bring about widespread environmental change within the music industry and around the globe...'"
- WATCH; Michael Jackson "Earth Song" Tribute At Grammy Awards - (Ecorazzi) Video in post.
- Spider, Ant Species Named In Honor Of Harrison Ford's Conservation Efforts - (Ecorazzi) OK... dumb trivia, but kinda cool!
- Alec Baldwin Ditches Golden Globes For Eco-Charity Sledding Event - (Ecorazzi) Who knew he was such a staunch eco-advocate?!
International Stuff
- 100% by 2020! (350.org) "...the Maldives has reinforced their goal of becoming carbon neutral in the next decade, declaring that they will reduce CO2 emissions 100% by 2020."
- Watch the President's call for clean energy and climate protection - (Repower America) "In his State of the Union address, President Obama renewed his call for clean energy saying, 'the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy. And America must be that nation.'"
- Pentagon to rank global warming as destabilising force - (guradian.co.uk) "The Pentagon says climate change does not cause conflict but it could act as an accelerant."
- Federal Government Will Cut Its GHG Emissions 28% by 2020 - (EcoGeek)
Other Random Cool Stuff
- DIY Valentine's Day cards - (Mother Nature Network) These are great to do yourself or for older kids.
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