What is Coco-Zen?

Coco-Zen is a state of nirvana achieved by surrendering to the taste and aroma
of luscious, rich chocolate.

It's knowing that you are helping our planet and its people,
because all of our treats are handmade from organic and Fair Trade Certified™ chocolate.

A state of ecstasy, peace and harmony, Coco-Zen is oneness with chocolate.


Sunday, February 28, 2010

Quote of the Week - 02.28.10

"Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated."

"Chocolate is simple, just insist on Fair Trade."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Friday, February 26, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 02.26.10

Campaign against trafficking in the chocolate industry

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Home Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

Website Stuff
  • Exchange4Green.com - "...a platform to easily exchange and giveaway items they are finished with, for the ones they want, all for free..." - awesome!

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Video: Wow...an amazing male soprano - Pascal Toussaint (post from Joyce's Desk)

This morning as I was driving to pick up some new brochures at the printer, I was listening to KQED's Forum, and suddenly this amazing voice started singing. Michael Krasny was interviewing Amy Tan (author of "The Joy Luck Club") and a new emerging singer that she had discovered in a Parisian cabaret. Pascal Toussaint sang "Amazing Grace" that just blew my mind. Click below to listen to the interview...fast forward to 5:24 and just listen to his voice...then at 6:10 where he sings a capella.

After listening to the show, I couldn't wait to get home to look him up on YouTube. Below are a few videos that are just incredible...just close your eyes and listen.

The last 1 minute will blow you away.

Singing in the Parisian cabaret where Amy Tan discovered him.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Video: Inhaling Chocolate Lotion...

Check out this this humorous little video the ladies over at Celebrate Green put together as "Lynn and Corey discover the wonders of Coco Zen's incredibly aromatic chocolate lotion."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quote of the Week - 02.21.10

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
~Mahatma Ghandi

"Happiness is when planet, people and chocolate are in harmony."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Friday, February 19, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 02.15.10

WWF Earth Hour

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Home Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

Internet Stuff

International Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Press Release: Coco-Zen is on a Quest to Create Thousands of "Fair Trade Homes" for World Fair Trade Day, 2010

For Immediate Release
Joyce Kushner


Coco-Zen is a part of “Fair Trade My Home,” a grass-roots campaign of fair trade companies, individuals and organizations who are inviting friends and fans to join the fair trade movement and make their home a “Fair Trade Home” in honor of World Fair Trade Day, May 8th, 2010. The goal is to create as many self-declared Fair Trade Home’s as possible by having people submit a photo or video showing which fair trade goods they regularly purchase and use in their home. Submissions are being gathered at www.fairtrademyhome.com.

Fair trade is an alternative way of doing trade, where the people producing a product are treated fairly, paid fairly, and are being fair to the environment. A home that is committed to the purchase and use of fair trade goods is a “Fair Trade Home.”

What started in America by one woman with a vision has become a global movement involving over 60 countries, 1.5 million workers. In America, over 1,500 companies and retailers offer fair trade goods, there are 13 fair trade towns, and over 300 college campuses that support fair trade.

The purpose of Fair Trade My Home is to raise greater awareness of fair trade to the American consumer, so that each person will choose to integrate more fair trade purchases into his or her regular buying habits, and cut down on poverty both in America and around the world. Coco-Zen not only creates fair trade chocolate products, Coco-Zen is actively encouraging the community to join in making homes fair.

World Fair Trade Day is a global celebration of fair trade and will be held in 2010 on May 8th. In North America, Fair Trade Resource Network is leading the World Fair Trade Day 2010 event with complimentary efforts from the Fair Trade the White House campaign. In 2009, World Fair Trade Day involved 65,020 people at 456 events covered by 101 media stories.

The theme of Fair Trade My Home is an extension of the Fair Trade the White House campaign, a coalition of fair trade vendors and organizations which are inviting the First Lady to join the fair trade movement and make the White House a “Fair Trade Home.

The philosophy that Coco-Zen’s founder, Joyce Kushner, has employed throughout the company is that all of our actions not only affect ourselves but also the world around us, and she stays true to that philosophy by using only organic and Fair Trade Certified™ ingredients in all Coco-Zen products. With this philosophy in place it it’s easy to see why Joyce is supporting such an important mission. In particular, Joyce hopes that more awareness will be shed on the labor abuses of the cocoa industry, especially with regards to forced child labor in the cocoa plantations of West Africa where the majority of the world’s consumed cocoa is produced. For more information on Coco-Zen please visit www.Coco-Zen.com.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

VIDEO: Consequence: Now's the Time for Us to Lead

"There is no doubt that green jobs are the future. There is no dispute that global warming is real, and that if we fail to act the consequences will be dire. President Obama declared "Now is the time for us to lead" on climate change.

Now is also the time for our generation to lead on climate change. Youth must lead because we have the most to lose. If progress is blocked by old political forces and special interests, we will be the ones facing the consequences. "

Quote of the Week - 02.14.10

"Every day holds the possibility of a miracle."
~Elizabeth David

"Every day holds the possibility of Fair Trade chocolate."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Friday, February 12, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 02.12.10

Awesome e-cards for Valentine's Day

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff
Tech & Science Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Coco-Zen Chocolate Body Treats make for an "Ethical Luxury" gift for Valentine's Day

The gorgeous "diva" over at The Eco Diva chose our Chocolate Body Gift Set: Head-To-Toe as a great way to pamper your sweetheart this Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spoiled Little LA Girls Find Their Oneness With Chocolate... Coco-Zen Chocolate Body Treats

Here's what the ladies over at Spoiled Little LA Girls had to say about Coco-Zen's Chocolate Body Treats Gift Set...

"You’ll want to eat everything in this delicious kit, which comes with the Chocolate Soap ($8.50) that is literally like a big chunk of dark chocolate that I literally bit to see if it was really soap. Don’t judge me. It kept my body soft and didn’t try it out. It was like a mocha heaven every time I got out in the shower..."

Check out the rest of the review - Find Your Oneness With Chocolate

Stuff We Found Today - 02.01.10

Michael Jackson "Earth Song" Tribute At Grammy Awards

Food Stuff
  • Green and Black's go 100 per cent Fairtrade - (Confectionery News) "Organic chocolate maker Green & Black's said it is bolstering its commitment to sustainability by moving its entire global food and beverage range worldwide to Fairtrade."
  • Nestle to move on Hershey - (Confectionery News) "Swiss food giant NestlĂ© is understood to be looking at acquiring US confectioner Hershey, following on the heels of rival Kraft Foods takeover of Cadbury, reports Reuters." Looks like the big chocolate companies are on the move...
  • Farm To (Your) Table - (Trend Central) "Fresh, local fare can now be delivered as you like it..."
  • Coca-Cola Goes Green - (Forbes.com) Huh??? Can they really ever be green?
Home Stuff
  • A no-seat home appliance rebate resource - (Mother Nature Network) "Designed to take the guesswork out of buying energy-efficient home appliances, EcoRebates.com includes a state-by-state rebate database of available incentives."

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Work & Business Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

International Stuff
  • 100% by 2020! (350.org) "...the Maldives has reinforced their goal of becoming carbon neutral in the next decade, declaring that they will reduce CO2 emissions 100% by 2020."

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff