Lace Hill: A Living Green Mountain Building for Armenia
Home Stuff
Tech & Science Stuff
School, College & Student Stuff
Nature & Environment Stuff
International Stuff
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Healthy Home Tips - Give kids a green and healthy start - (Environmental Working Group) "...it's important for our children's long-term health that we focus on the toxic chemicals they're exposed to, and do our best to keep them away when it matters most."
- Study: ADHD linked to pesticide exposure - (CNN.com) Uhhh, organics anyone???
Food Stuff
- Non-toxic, Reusable 'Zoo Lunchies' Lunch Bags from Skip Hop - (Inhabitots) These are CUUUUUTE!
- Acquiescence in slavery must end - the appalling state of the chocolate industry - (The Comment Factory) "The simplest explanation for the status quo is that a large number of consumers are unaware of the issue. Slavery is so far off the radar of the average person that they do not make any inquiry. This needs to change."
Home Stuff
- Philips Unveils World's First LED Replacement for Most common Bulb - (Inhabitat) Waiting to see how much this will cost...
Tech & Science Stuff
- Japanese Company Turns Adult Diapers into Energy Source - (Inhabitat) Start using this for baby diapers, and maybe we can end the cloth vs. disposable debate???
- Palestinian girls get tickets to Intel science fair in California - (Mother Nature Network) "The girls invented an obstacle-detecting cane for the blind." Love inventive youth who want to help!
- Werk It: Powering Gadgets by Bike - (Urban Daddy) Here's a cellphone, iPod, gizmo charger that uses energy generated from riding your bike... cool!
- MIT Team Unveils Airplane that Uses 70 Percent Less Fuel - (Inhabitat) Kind of looks like a flying fish... what do you think?
- Charging Ahead: Cities are working with car companies to prepare for the arrival of electric vehicles - (The Wall Street Journal)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Green charter schools take off - (Mother Nature Network) "There are currently about 200 green charter schools in the United States, and the number of schools focusing on green education continues to grow."
- The Great Power Race - "...a clean energy competition between students in China, India and the United States. The aim is to kick-start hundreds of new climate solution projects on campuses and in communities in all three countries and to demonstrate to governments and businesses our generation's leadership in transforming our world towards a green economy." AWESOME!!
- Recycle Ziploc Bags With TerraCycle And Earn Money For Your School - (Causecast) Terracycle is a great way for schools (and other non-profit groups) to fundraise.
Nature & Environment Stuff
- 5 Innovative Solutions That Clean Up Oil Spills - (Inhabitat) Just sad we need to do this in the first place...
- Lend Your Locks, Used Pantyhose to Help Oil Spill Cleanup Efforts - (Ecouterre) Supercool video in post, too. If you know any haircutters, barbers, salon owners...pass this along to them.
International Stuff
- Lace Hill: A Living Green Mountain Building for Armenia - (Inhabitat) Wow... imagine a whole landscape of buildings like this...
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Memorialize Loved Ones in an Eco-friendly Way - (AboutMyPlanet.com) Did you know you can create diamonds from cremated remains?? Cool or creepy??
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