FLOTUS promoting her "Let's Move" campaign
Home Stuff
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Nature & Environment Stuff
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Food Stuff
- Which Veggie Burgers Were Made With a Neurotoxin? - (AlterNet) "Most non-organic veggie burgers currently on the market are made with the chemical hexane, an EPA-registered air pollutant and neurotoxin." Go organic!
- Ash from volcano strands produce - (Mother Nature Network) "Tons of fruit and vegetables can't make it to their intended destinations. Is this wasted food also food for thought for our future?"
- RECIPE: Garlic & Herb Cauliflower Bites - (The GirlieGirl Army) Mmmm... this looks like somethings the kiddies might like.
- EWG's 2010 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides - (Environmental Working Group) First look at the "dirty dozen" and the "clean 15" for 2010.
- Conventional celery: Stalks of pesticides - (Mother Nature Network) "Celery tops the 'Dirty Dozen' list of conventional produce that is most contaminated with pesticide residues." - ewwww!!
- Is Your Furniture Making You Sick? - (EcoStiletto) "Did you know that there are just as many chemicals, pesticides and harmful pollutants in furniture as there are in non-organic food?"
- CASAKid's Green & Multifunctional Oscar's Bed - (Inhabitots) Ooooh, we like this... love that it can be used for storage once kid grows out of the bed.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Clear Skin, Clear conscience: Eco-Effective Acne Fighters for Every Age and Stage - (EcoStiletto)
- AliveShoes Project Fuses Artistic Expression, Eco-Fashion, Sustainability - (Ecouterre) Interesting concept...check it out.
- Yves BĂ©har’s DIY Spectacles Help Mexican Students See, Learn Better - (Ecouterre) Cool glasses... and there being made available for free to students in Mexico!
Tech & Science Stuff
- The Nissan Leaf lines up paying customers - (Mother Nature Network) "Nissan is taking reservations for its Leaf battery car starting April 20, two days before Earth Day. Will the 115,000 'hand wavers' sign up, pay $99, and get in line to take delivery?" Cali residents actually get a pretty good deal after all the tax credits/rebates.
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Engineers build underwater dome to contain Gulf of Mexico oil spill - (Times Online) More on this environmental disaster.
International Stuff
- Incredible Crysalis Treehouse Restaurant Completed in New Zealand - (Inhabitat) How cool looking is this restaurant?!
- UK Prepares to Use Human Poop to Power Homes - (Inhabitat) Yup, we're talking poop here! Well, it's gotta go somewhere, right?
- Construction Complete on Shanghai's Amazing Dream Cube Pavillion - (Inhabitat) Made from recycled CD cases - cool!
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- FLOTUS and 2010 US Para/Olympians @ River Terrace Elementary - (Obama Pics Daily) Promoting Olympic ideals and the 1st Lady's "Let's Move" campaign... love how she's so unselfconscious around kids.
- Political fall out spreads with Gulf oil slick - (Mother Nature Network) "Specter of oil reaching Florida beaches has Florida governor and Obama reconsidering their positions on offshore drilling."
Other Random Cool Stuff
- 5 Social Smartphone Apps That Can Save the World - (Inhabitat) For all you iPhone lovers...
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