Sasha hides behind a sofa as she sneaks up on her dad in the oval office.
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Nature & Environment Stuff
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Other Random Cool Stuff
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Eco Training Pants - (Ideal Bite) Got little kiddies that are about to potty train? Check this out.
Food Stuff
- The Economics of Organic Food - (Chelsea Green) "The true cost of food shouldn’t be measured in dollars and cents..."
- Go Organic, not Broke - (ecomii) "From the Farmer’s Market to the Super Market- 7 Savvy Tips to set on track to a green diet that is better for you, the planet, and your wallet."
- What's on Your Plate - (EcoLocalizer) New documentary that follows 2 city kids as they explore their local New York food systems over a year (movie trailer in post).
Home Stuff
- Emergency Kits - (Ideal Bite) Here's a list of eco-friendly items that are perfect for your household emergency kit.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- I'll take my lipstick unleaded, please - (Environmental Working Group) "...FDA has found lead in all 20 lipsticks tested..."
Tech & Science Stuff
- 11 Bizarre Sources of Clean Energy, from Dead Turkeys to Urine - (EarthFirst) Title says it all...move over fossil fuel!
- Apple-Certified Solar iPod Chargers Hitting Stores Soon - (EcoGeek)
- Apple's Snow Leopard Is an Unlikely Green Beast - (Fast Company) "It could save the world 50GigaWatts of power."
- Teenager Builds Pedal-Powered Airplane Out of Balsa Wood - (Inhabitat)
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Telecommute Director of Strategic Relationships - (EarthFirst)
- Check Out These Greener Jobs - (Jetson Green)
- Telecommuting Environmental Jobs - Sept. 3, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
- Work from Home Green Jobs - 9/1/09 - (Green Gigs)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Green College Spotlight: University of Calgary - (EarthFirst) Can't forget about our neighbors up north!
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Study Says Tunnels Are Toxic Pollution Traps - (AboutMyPlanet.com) Hmmm...bad news for frequent tunnel commuters.
- The Story of the Last Great Supply of Fresh Water on Earth - (Blue Living Ideas) New documentary about the Great Lakes...and that they're dying.
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- 100 Ice Sculptures - (GreenMuze) "100 ice sculptures melted at Beijing’s Temple of Earth to raise awareness about the estimated one billion lives that will be lost in Asia due to climate change."
Website Stuff
- So Many A Second - Cool site that visually represents statistics of things happening every second...check out "trees cut" under "environment"
International Stuff
- Scotland Dreams of a Zero Waste Society - (EcoSalon)
- Dolphin Slaughter in Taiji's 'Cove' Suspended - (EcoWorldly) "...the horrific annual dolphin slaughter in Taiji has been suspended due to publicity from the film, The Cove."
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- White House Candids: August, 2009 - (Obama Pics Daily) Some great pics...love the one of Sasha hiding behind the sofa as she sneaks up on her dad in the oval office - too cute!!
- President Obama: America's Arctic Deserves Protection - (Alaska Wilderness League) Just sign petition to Obama to protect Arctic from oil drilling (thanks to good ol' W). Won't you sign too?
- Our Relationship to Nature Is One Big Ponzi Scheme - (Chelsea Green) "If consumption is your religion, then you’re worshipping at the altar of Charles Ponzi and Bernard Madoff."
- EPA Close to Declaring CO2 a Dangerous Pollutant - (EarthFirst)
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Wants to Put Climate Science on Trial - (Global Warming Is Real) W-T-F??!!!
- Michelle Obama's Victory Garden Is Helping to Reshape Our Nation's Food Policy - (EcoLocalizer) "The White House has just released a new official video which profiles Michelle Obama’s hugely successful organic vegetable garden." Video in post.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- 15 Every Day Items You Can Recycled for Cash - (EcoSalon) ...and they're not just talking about bottles and cans.
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