The perfect book for the "eco-stressed"!
- USDA Redefines “Organic” Label To Include Synthetic Materials - (EcoMatters)
- Food, Inc. The Companion Guide - (Eat. Drink. Better.) "The companion book contains 13 essays to explore the facts behind the problems we see in the news every day, issues like hunger, human rights, tainted food and pollution."
Home Stuff
- How to Build Self Watering Mini Garden - (SustainLane) Perfect little DIY gardening project...great to do with the kids too!
- Is your dog's food toxic? - (Mother Nature Network) "New study finds toxic doses of fluoride in 8 out of 10 brands."
- Ever-Green Toilet Paper Finally Eco Friendly Toilet Paper with no Plastic Packaging - (Sustainable is Good) We've been using Seventh Generation toilet paper...will have to give this one a try.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- WEEDROBES: Clothing Made from Leaves! - (Inhabitat) Okay...so, you're not really going to wear these, but they're fun to look at!
- Alanis Morissette and Woody Harrelson Launch RECO Eco Jeans! - (Inhabitat)
Tech & Science Stuff
- Gas 2.0 Launches “EV War” Website: ElectricCarRace.org - (Gas 2.0) The race to go electric between San Francisco and Portland. (video in post)
- New Study Lifts the Curtain on Clean Coal - (CleanTechnica) "A new study from West Virginia University exposes one more dirty little secret about America’s favorite fossil fuel, coal..."
- First Ever Manned Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft Takes to the Air - (Gas 2.0)
- Zipcar Launches All-Electric Car-Share Scheme - (Gas 2.0) "...featuring an all-electric Citroen C1 and a Plug-In Toyota Prius..."
Work & Business Stuff
- Great Green Job of the Week: Grant Coordinator, Green Edge Collaborative - (EarthFirst)
- Greener Jobs: Build It Green, LEED Linc, and Green Key Real Estate - (Jetson Green) Green job postings.
- Green Jobs from Home - July 12, 2009 - (Green Gigs)
School, College & Student Stuff
- Save the Earth Science Experiments: Book Review - (Eco Child's Play) Great book to get students, teachers and parents to look at our impact on the planet...perfect projects to do both in the classroom and at home.
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Dicaprio's 'fossilized sunlight' video - (Mother Nature Network) "This past Spring, Leonardo Dicaprio was awarded the Kid's Choice Award for the 'Big Green Help Award'"...for a video he created for kids that talks about global warming and our oil dependance.
- Deadly dozen: Climate change could make 12 diseases worse. - (Mother Nature Network)
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Hell Freezes Over, Pigs Fly and Bill O’Reilly Argues that Global Warming is Real - (EarthFirst) Can you believe it?? Check out the video in post!
- Ed Begley Jr Now Answering Your Burning Questions On Treehugger - (Ecorazzi) Cool!
Website Stuff
- 20 Online Acronyms All Parents Should Know - (WBAL Baltimore) Because sadly there are too many only predators out there...know what your kids are saying online!
International Stuff
- Solar-Powered Pop-Up-Shop for London Entrepreneurs - (EarthFirst) This is such a great idea...we should do it here!
- Pope Benedict Issues New Encyclical Calling for Sustainable Business, Development Models - (Sustainablog)
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- Making Heads or Tails of the G8 and the Major Economies Forum in Italy - (Global Warming Is Real)
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Bag Green Guilt and Relieve Eco-Anxiety - (ShowTheLOVE) The perfect book for all of us worrying about trying to do the "green" thing...and it written by our friend Jen Pleasants of ShowTheLOVE. Congrats Jen!!
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