- Never Mind the Earth, Green Your Home for Your Health - (post from Green Building Elements)
- Why You Should Avoid Dryer Sheets and Fabric Softeners - (post from TheDailyGreen)
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Five Effiecient T-Shirts of 2008 - (post from MetaEfficient) Here are some cool graphic organic tees.
- Escama Studio: Recycled Aluminum Pulltab Handbags - (post from Inhabitat) Cool bags made from the actual pulltabs of soda cans.
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- George Clooney And Frinds Raise $14 Million for Darfur Relief - (post from Ecorazzi) Nice.
- 42 magnificent Works of Modern Earth and Land Art - (post from WebEcoist) Art and nature...love.
- Melting Men Eco Art Calls Attention to Global Warming - (post from Inhabitat)
International Stuff
- Slow Progress in Poland Climate Negotiations...but Some Key Issues Emerging - (post from Global Warming is Real)
- ALERT: Ireland Recalls All Pork Products, Fears Contamination - (post from Red, Green and Blue)
- City Montessori Schoo to Host Symposium: 'Awakening Planetary Consciousness' - (post from EcoWorldly)
Political & Social Stuff
- Florida Rule to Regulate Carbon Emissions from Cars - (post from Red, Green and Blue)
- Obama Puts His Best Foot Forward To Build a Sustainable Economy - (post from The Inspired Economist)
Other Random Cool Stuff
- The Consumer's Guide to Effective Environmental Choices: Practical Advice from the Union of Concerned Scientists
- (book) The Union of Concerned Scientiest put this guide together to help us set priorities, stop worrying about insignificant things, and understand the real environmental impacts of household decisions.
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