Deep Dark Chocolate Tart Recipe - gluten-free and vegan!
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- 5 Amazing DIY Forts! - (Inhabitots) These are pretty cool.
- How nature can help us heal from grief - (Mother Nature Network) "It's no accident that many children's books on grieving follow nature-based themes." A timely article in the wake of recent tragedies.
- 3D Ultrasound That Reveals a Baby in Utero Like Never Before - (Inhabitots) How cool is this?!!! Anyone having gone through pregnancy, how much would you have loved to have had this technology when your kid was in utero???
Food Stuff
- Regular cocoa flavanol intake could help maintain brain health - (ConfectioneryNews) Hmmmm...would that make us chocoholics smarty pants??
- Deep Dark Chocolate Tart Recipe - (Mother Nature Network) ...and it's gluten-free and vegan!
- Mediterranean comfort food recipes - (Mother Nature Network) Love the "Chicken with Orzo Pasta" recipe...great way to use up leftover rotisserie chicken.
- Frankenapple: Bad News No Matter How You Slice It - (Organic Consumers Association) New GMO apple that won't turn brown expected to be approved by USDA
- The Easiest Beet Chips You'll Ever Make - (MindBodyGreen) Seriously, this is that easy.
- EWG's 2013 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce - (Environmental Working Group) Yes, there's a smartphone app too...perfect to take to the grocery store with you.
Home Stuff
- What's in a home? Our housing choices and the environment - (Mother Nature Network) "... the United States' obsession with big houses and the general lack of concern of what impact that has on the community." Very interesting read.
- Natural and Innovative Materials at the 2013 Milan Furniture Fair - (Inhabitat) Especially love the Gu Paper Chair and the coconut fiber material that can be used for food packaging.
Tech & Science Stuff
- 3,587 MPG Hypermiling Vehicle Wins 1st Place at the 2013 Shell Eco-Marathon! - (Inhabitat)
- New, Cheaper Tesla EV to Hit the Market by 2017, Says Musk - (Inhabitat) much cheaper??
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Storm hits Mayflower, Arkansas site of Exxon oil spill. Contaminated water pumped into Lake Conway as citizen journalists report live. - (TreeHugger) Gotta check out the video in this article.
- CICADAPOCOLYPSE: Billions of Red-Eyed Cicadas to Swarm Tri-State Area - (Inhabitat) This should be quite the event for bug lovers!
- Inhabitat: 12-Year-Old Girl's Letter to Mayor Helps Save a City Forest in Canada - (Inhabitat) Love acitivist kids!
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- San Francisco's Exploratorium Reopens as the Country's Biggest Net-Zero Energy Museum - (Inhabitat) We've always loved the Exploratorium... now even more!
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Boston Marathon: Good Samaritans shine in time of tragedy - (Mother Nature Network) As the city reels from the marathon bombings, an outpouring of love and altruism prevails.
- Trash Cafe: Newcastle Students Unveil Pop-Up Coffee Shop Made from Recycled Cardboard - (Inhabitat) " will be dismantled and flat-packed at the end of the week to be moved to other locations..." Cool!
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