Although this short animation speak directly about the UK, it can easily describe any other western "developed" society.
A new animation about consumption, climate change and wellbeing by PIRC, George Monbiot and Leo Murray. For more info, see:
How nature can help us heal from grief - (Mother Nature Network) "It's no accident that many children's books
on grieving follow nature-based themes." A timely article in the wake of recent tragedies.
Mediterranean comfort food recipes - (Mother Nature Network) Love the "Chicken with Orzo Pasta" recipe...great way to use up leftover rotisserie chicken.
What's in a home? Our housing choices and the environment - (Mother Nature Network) "... the United States'
obsession with big houses and the general lack of concern of what impact
that has on the community." Very interesting read.
"Economic growth means you have to find something that was once nature and make it into a good, or was once a gift relationship and make it into a service. You have to find something that people once got for free or did for themselves or for each other, and then take it away and sell it back to them, somehow."
"We didn't earn any of the things that really keep us alive, or that make life good. We didn't earn the air. We didn't earn being born... We didn't earn having a planet that can provide food. We didn't earn the sun... on some level, people have this inborn gratitude because, on some level we know that we didn't earn any of this, we know that life is a gift. Well if you know that you've received a gift, then the natural response is gratitude, the desire to give in turn."
"...the old world falls apart, and a new world is born. A child plays and develops his or her gifts, but doesn't apply them to their true purpose yet, and that's what humanity has been doing. We've been messing around, playing with our gifts of technology and culture and developing these gifts. Now we are coming into adulthood and it's time to apply them to our true purpose."
"Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies
to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has contributed to
alienation, competition, and scarcity, destroyed community, and
necessitated endless growth.
Today, these trends have reached
their extreme - but in the wake of their collapse, we may find great
opportunity to transition to a more connected, ecological, and
sustainable way of being."
Tumors Linked to Genetically-Modified Corn - (Care2) "...severe effects of Round-up tolerant genetically modified (GM) corn, even when the pesticide Round-Up was not used."
Arctic Going Green from Warming - (Discovery News) "What's happening now in the Arctic is a faster version of what will be happening at lower latitudes..."