Meat causes 18% of all greenhouse gas emmisions...
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Biodegradable Wooden Lego Bricks Stack Up To Sustainable Play - (Inhabitots) Finally something other than plastic!
- The World's First Seat Belt Designed Especially For Pregnant Women - (Inhabitots) About time!!!
Food Stuff
- Japanese Restaurant Fines Diners For Not Finishing Their Meals - (Inhabitat) Maybe not such a bad idea considering how much we waste.
- Energy bars you can make at home - (Mother Nature Network) Easy to do and perfect snacks for the kiddies' lunchboxes!
- Monsanto's Seeds of Deception [video] - (YouTube) GMO seeds...toxic to bugs, toxic to us.
Home Stuff
- Gorgeous Studio Completely Wrapped in Living Plants - (Inhabitat) How cool to have this for a home office space, play space, anything?!!
Tech & Science Stuff
- Volkswagen Confirms Production Plans For the 261 MPG XL1 Plug-in Hybrid! - (Inhabitat) Wonder what the sticker price will be.
- The 3D-Printed Urbee 2 Hybrid Car is Light, Strong, and Nearing Production - (Inhabitat)
- Stick-On Solar Cells that can Power Your iPad - (Inhabitat) So awesome for working outdoors.
- Hyundai Unveils the World's First Production Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle! - (Inhabitat)
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Japanese Macaque Monkeys - (Mother Nature Network) Just a great pic.
- Indian man single-handeldy plants a 1,360-acre forest - (Mother Nature Network) Pretty amazing.
- Spanish sperm whale death linked to UK supermarket supplier's plastic - (The Guardian) "Sperm whale on Spanish southern coast had swallowed 17kg of plastic waste dumped by greenhouses supplying produce to UK"...lovely.
- Where has all the ice gone? - (TreeHugger) "...seas are projected to rise nearly 2 meters (6 feet), inundating coastal cities worldwide, such as New York, London, and Cairo."
International Stuff
- Wind Power Surpasses Nuclear Energy in China - (Inhabitat) No, they're not the greenest country in the world, but at least progress is being made.
- London to be an 'ultra-low emission zone' by 2020 - (Mother Nature Network) "London Mayor Boris Johnson is proposing that only electric cars and other unspecified green vehicles be admitted downtown..."
- World's First Algae-Powered Building Opens This Month in Germany - (Inhabitat)
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