Sand art by Andres Amodor along California coastline
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Family, Kids & Health Stuff
Home Stuff
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
School, College & Student Stuff
Nature & Environment Stuff
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
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- Raising Confident Sons Who Have Respect for Others - (Crazy Sexy Life) If you're a mother to boys, you might appreciate this... we did!
Food Stuff
- How To Make Organic Sweet Pickles with Your Children - (Inhabitots) Kids love pickles and this is a great project to do with them.
- Say No to Pink Slime! - (MomsRising.org) "Join us in urging USDA and FDA to get pink slime out of ground beef now, or at the very least to require labels to list it as an ingredient so that we can decide not to buy it in the stores!"
- Bummer! Soda Causes Cancer (Ready to Finally Give Up the Cola Now?) - (Eco-Chick) "High levels of a carcinogen known as 4-methylimidazole, or 4-MI, are created when certain forms of ammonia are used to create the caramel food dye used in some of the most popular soda brands on the planet."
- Safeway, Supervalu Ditch 'Pink Slime' Beef - (Huffington Post) Yes, we consumers can change the behavior of companies!
Home Stuff
- Awesome Birde's Nest Bed is a Cozy Roost for Kids - (Inhabitat) Forget the kids, us adults want this bed...so great for cuddling in (or sink into and read a good book).
- 7 Indoor Plants That Purify the Air Around You Naturally - (Inhabitat) Good to know...now for some new house & office plants.
- How to reuse silica gel packets - (Mother Nature Network) Wow...didn't know these packets had such great uses and can be reused over and over.
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Dazzling "Aurura" Dress Features 10,000 Embroided LEDs - (Ecouterre) This is how you light up a room!
School, College & Student Stuff
- How to establish a Farm to School program - (Mother Nature Network) Hey...calling all PTA members!
Nature & Environment Stuff
- Study confirms arsenic in chicken feed enters water as poison - (Chesapeake Bay Journal) Just great...
- Praying Mantis - (Environmental Graffiti) These are some cool pictures of a very cool looking bug.
- After lengthy analysis, scientists say BP oil spill the culprit for heavy toll on corals - (The Washington Post) The aftermath of this just keeps going...just sad.
- Barataria Bay Dolphins Show Symptoms 'Consistent With Oil Exposure' - (Huffington Post) ...and more great news - NOT!
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Amazing Origami Art Folded out of Money - (Inhabitat) These are pretty cool!
- 8 Unbelievable Eco-Hotels From Around the World - (Ecorazzi) Would love to stay in some of these.
- Artist Uses the Beach s canvas for his Ephemeral Sand Art - (Treehugger) These are cool.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- The Big List of Things That Suck - (EcoStiletto) This list will make you think.
- 30 Dr. Suess Quotes Thant Can Change Your Life - (Greenster)
- Urban Algae Farms Could Heat Buildings While Treating Wastwater - (Inhabitat) Interesting.
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