Celebrate spring with these 3 eco-ideas
So whether daffodil stems have barely pierced the dirt or have already popped open where you live, here are five eco-friendly ways to dump the winter blahs and celebrate spring.
Why are they eco-friendly?
- They don't require buying
- They produce no waste
- They have no impact on the Earth
1. Plan an afternoon outside
- Hunt for signs of spring. See who can find the most.
- Dye silks that kids love to use for play
- Take a book about trees and identify as many as you can. Take a sketch book and let everyone draw the different trees
- Making bark rubbings using crayons
- Collect rocks to use for crafting
- Play clothes pin tag and other tag games
- Build a shelter from things you have lying around
- Create an obstacle course from natural materials, for example, rocks and branches
2. Create!
- Look around your house and gather materials that you can use to make spring collages. Papers of all kinds of course, costume jewelry, even nuts and bolts. Give everyone a piece of cardboard, then glue the items on to make flowers or other spring images.
- Make birdhouses cardboard or scrap lumber. The former can be hung outside in protected areas or kept inside as a reminder of spring.
- Hand make a book featuring quotes about spring.
- Make up a play, song, puppet show or skit with a spring theme.
- Paint or wrap paper around cans that you can fill with flowers or blooming branches when the time is right
- Make flower pins using felt you can easily make from old wool sweaters
3. Go a little crazy! (You've just been through a long winter, it's OK!)
- Eat breakfast under the dining table
- Stage a backwards dinner (insist that no one will get their broccoli unless they eat their dessert)
- Make faces with your food
- Make flour finger paints then "finger paint" with your feet!
- Exchange roles for a meal. Put everyone's name on a piece of paper (remember to recycle). Each person chooses. Whomever they get, they assume that role during dinner.
- No matter your age, try standing on your head (with help and against a wall still counts)
- Put on some springlike music and dance til you drop
Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and co-authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, available at www.CelebrateGreen.net.
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