Rainboots that charge your cellphone
Family, Kids & Health Stuff
- Target Hooks Up With Punky Brewster For New Organic Baby Collection - (ecorazzi.com) Yea!!! More affordable organic baby clothing!
Food Stuff
- Is There Slavery In Your Chocolate? - (John Robbins) Great article post!
- Unexpected Consequence: Increased CO2 Could Affect Nutritional Value of Crops - (EcoGeek.org) "...increased CO2 could reduce the protein content of crop plants by as much as 20 percent." Okay... not good!
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Thermoelectric Galoshes Charge Your Cellphone Using Heat From Your Feet - (Ecouterre) Rainboots that charge your cellphone? Perfect for all those rainy day walks!
- TOMS Wedges: Best Green Shoes for Summer, 2010 - (Eco-Chick) Already love their flats, but these wedges are cute!! Plus buy a pair of TOMS shoes and a pair of shoes gets donated to a child in need.
- We'll Toast to These Boys! - (ecofabulous) For guys living in colder climates...organic cotton thermal boxer briefs...and they're under $8!
Tech & Science Stuff
- Dirty Power, Clean Cars: Even From Coal, EVs are Cleaner - (Car Talk)
- Solar Powered Shrub Car is Not Your "Garden Variety" EV - (Inhabitat) OK, this is a little silly... but we figure it must have some application, right? (video in post)
- Flexible OLEDs Could Lead to Sony computer "Bracelets" by 2020- (Ecouterre) Computer on your arm....oooh. (video in post)
- Electric Jet Ski: All of the Fun, Non of the Oil and Emissions - (EcoGeek.org) Calling all you summer jet skiers!
- Apples Patents Solar-Powered iPod, iPhone - (EcoGeek.org) Wondering when they were finally going to do this...hooray!
- Forget Wave Power, Google and Others May Use Poo Power for Data Center - (EcoGeek.org) No joke!
School, College & Student Stuff
- Tea Partiers Bid to Keep Climate Change Out of the Classroom - (Change.org) Seriously??? C'mon... it's SCIENCE folks!!
Nature & Environment Stuff
- BP Tries to Block Photos of Dead Wildlife - (Change.org) "The New York Daily News reported on Wednesday that BP has ordered its contractors not to share pictures or otherwise publicize the scores of dead and injured wildlife."
- Dying, dead maring wildlife paint dar, morbid picture of Gulf Coast following oil spill - (NYDailyNews.com) "Here's what President Obama didn't see when he visited the Gulf Coast..."
- Poll: America Opinion on Climate Change Warms Up - (George Mason University) Well, it's about time!
- Hands Across the Sand - This even takes place June 26 at a beach near you...check it out!
- Oceans Without Fish in 40 Years? - (Blue Living Ideas) May sound far fetched, but it's a real possibility..."if fishing policies don’t change, all commercial fisheries could collapse in the next 40 years..."
- Copenhagen Adopts a Mandatory Green Roof Policy - (Inhabitat) Those Europeans...so with it! All big cities should do this.
- China Unveils World's Fastest High-Speed Train - (EcoGeek.org) ...and the US will finally have a high-speed train when???
- Giant Sinkhole Opens in Guatemala - (ecorazzi.com) "This picture is enough to induce nightmares... Planet Earth never fails to surprise…"
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- Blazing Trails: What Five Pioneering Cities Have Banned - (Causecast) Whoa...check this out (pretty awesome)!
- Energy Use in the US & Global Agri-Food Systems: Implications for Sustainable Agriculture - (Culture Change) Great post...worth the time to read.
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Blood:Water Mission's LEMON:AID Stand - What a great summertime activity for neighborhood kids, schools, community groups, etc. to do!
- Dos and don'ts of oil spill action: How you can really help - (Mother Nature Network)
- Wal-Mart Goes Green - (EcoFriendlyDaily.com) Before you snicker...you should check out this post...a big box store can make a big green difference.
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