1st Lady Obama at Healthy Kids Fair
Home Stuff
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
Tech & Science Stuff
Work & Business Stuff
Nature & Environment Stuff
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
Website Stuff
International Stuff
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
Other Random Cool Stuff
Food Stuff
- Corn-based meat and ethanol: burning the planet to a crisp - (Grist) "What do industrially produced meat and corn-based ethanol have in common? ...they both got tagged as major drivers of climate change this past week."
Home Stuff
- Eco Moving Services - (Ideal Bite) "Go for green movers, who transport your stuff with less pollution and waste."
Beauty & Fashion Stuff
- Why You Should Replace These 3 Beauty Products Now - (TheDailyGreen.com) "How to choose the best natural deodorant, perfume and face cream."
- Fashionable Solar Jackets - (GreenMuze) "...new Zegna Sport Ecotech Solar Jacket is made from recycled plastic and features solar panels on the sleeves that power a heating device to keep the jacket warm." Plus, there's a solar battery pack to recharge your iPod or cellphone! (cheesy video in post, as well).
Tech & Science Stuff
- Smart cars, smart meters: Recharging battery vehicles on a consumer-friendly grid - (Mother Nature Network) "As EVs plug in, they'll need to interact with a more sophisticated electric grid. And that's exactly what a platoon of wised-up utilities has in mind."
- Harvard Scientists Create Dirt Powered Bacteria Batteries - (Inhabitat)
Work & Business Stuff
- Hot Spots for Green Jobs in Solar, Biofuels and More - (EarthFirst.com) "The clean-tech sector remains a bright spot in a dull economy..."
- Three Reasons Why New Green Jobs Hold the Key to Economic Recovery - (TheDailyGreen.com) "Solar and wind energy are hot, but opportunities extend far beyond that."
Nature & Environment Stuff
- How does groundwater pollution occur? - (Mother Nature Network) "Farms, freeways and front yards are flooding underground aquifers with dangerous toxins, slowly poisoning many communities' water supplies. But how can this happen?"
- Overpopulation to Blame for Southeastern U.S. Water Shortages - (Blue Living Ideas)
- Livestock Responsible For Over 50 Percent Of Emissions, According To New Report - (Causecast)
- 7 Species That Won't Survive Global Warming - (TheDailyGreen.com) "The Arctic won't be the only region to lose wildlife due to climate change. These U.S. species are threatened, too."
Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff
- Even Climate-Change Skeptics Are Condemning New Anti-Gore Documentary - (Ecorazzi)
- The Green Quote: Russell Simmons Is Afraid Of America's Future - (Ecorazzi) "I’m worried that the karmic effects of our negative actions will finally come home to roost. Our lack of compassion and love could actually consume us." Read full article by Simmons on Huffington Post.
Website Stuff
- Speak up to save the Internet - (Credo Action) "Who do you want to decide which websites you can visit or what Internet content you can access -- you or a big telecom company?" It's about "net neutrality"...please read and sign the petition!
- Climate change Interactive Map - (GreenMuze) "The map is a visual representation of what scientists believe the planet may experience in less than 50 years if global warming continues unchecked..."
International Stuff
- Oct 24 International Day of Climate Action - (350.org) Check it out and then find an event near you (see map).
Political, Social & Economy Stuff
- 1st Lady Michelle Obama at Healthy Kids Fair on South Lawn of the White House - (Obama Pics Daily) Awesome pics of Michelle hoola-hooping, jump-roping and just having fun with the kids...LOVE THIS WOMAN!
Other Random Cool Stuff
- Joyce Kushner uses chocolate to wake people up - (San Francisco Examiner) Check it out...Joyce is in the SF Examiner!!
- San Francisco starts mandatory composting this week - (Mother Nature Network) "Becomes first city in the nation to require people to properly dispose of their organic garbage waste."
- Have a Coco-Zen Halloween: Get Your Reverse Trick-Or-Treat Kit! - (Eco Child's Play) Thanks for the shout out Leslie!!
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