What is Coco-Zen?

Coco-Zen is a state of nirvana achieved by surrendering to the taste and aroma
of luscious, rich chocolate.

It's knowing that you are helping our planet and its people,
because all of our treats are handmade from organic and Fair Trade Certified™ chocolate.

A state of ecstasy, peace and harmony, Coco-Zen is oneness with chocolate.


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quote of the Week - 01.31.10

"A good deed is never lost: he who sows courtesy reaps friendship; and he who plants kindness gathers love."

"…and he who gives Fair Trade chocolate earns good chocolate karma."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 01.28.10

Earth Attends Oil-Coal-holics Anonymous Meeting ~Wend Magazine

Food Stuff
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Tech & Science Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

Coco-Zen's Joyce Kushner talkin' chocolate, fair trade and tryin' to be green on Celebrate Green's radio show.

Although she was a little late (mix up on the interview time), Coco-Zen's own Joyce Kushner had a blast this morning on Celebrate Green's radio show. Hosted by mother & daughter team Lynn Colwell and Corey Lipson-Colwell, the segment was all about chocolate, fair trade, and trying to be green.

Have a listen...

Celebrate Green! on Toginet Radio (01-27-2010 show: Joyce's segment starts 18min in)

Thanks Lynn & Corey for having us!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Coco-Zen Fair Trade truffles are a "Top Pick" for mom entrepreneurs... yes, mom's love chocolate!

Who says chocolate's not a necessity?...

"As a mom entrepreneur, I rely on chocolate to get me through the day. It is a much better day when the chocolate is really good. That is why I choose Coco-Zen."
~The Mom Entrepreneur

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

VIDEO: The Colbert Report - Global Warming With Al Gore

This "Formidable Opponent" segment with Al Gore is pretty hilarious...check it out.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Formidable Opponent - Global Warming With Al Gore
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorU.S. Speedskating

My Shopping Connection features Coco-Zen Chocolate Body Treats in Valentine's Day Guide!

"Valentine's Day is the perfect opportunity to shower a woman with attention and give her just what she needs to feel beautiful, pampered and relaxed... and the Chocolate Body Gift Set is the perfect way to indulge her sweet tooth without the calories."
~ MyShoppingConnection.com

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 01.25.10

Wanna see some funny looking sea critters??

Food Stuff

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Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

Other Random Cool Stuff

Sunday, January 24, 2010

VIDEO: Captain Planet - Gorillas Will Be Missed

Episode Recap:
In Gorillas Will Be Missed, the Planeteers encounter Goki, a young man from the future. The Planeteers are in the middle of saving gorilla habitat from Looten Plunder. Can Goki help them or will he prove to just be a burden?

Quote of the Week - 01.24.10

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"

"The journey towards a kinder world can begin with a single piece of Fair Trade chocolate."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 1.22.10

Image from the Guardian

Food Stuff

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Tech & Science Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Website Stuff

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

VIDEO: War For Resources Animation

Great clip from "The Age of Stupid" movie...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 01.19.10

Rolling Stone magazine article...

Family, Kids & Health Stuff
  • Autism Cluster in California May Have Environmental Link - (EcoSalon) "Researchers at U.C. Davis are trying to connect the dots leading to 10 autism clusters in California. One theory is that those parents are using certain hazardous household products, exposing their kids to dangers linked to the neuro-developmental disorder that usually surfaces by the time a child turns three."

Food Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff
Tech & Science Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

Arts, Entertainment & Travel Stuff

International Stuff

Coco-Zen Chocolate Salt Scrub in Feb Issue of Vegetarian Times

The folks over at Vegetarian Times are showing us some love once again! Their beauty editor has picked our Chocolate Salt Scrub for their Valentine's Day roundup. Check out the spread in their February issue...

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Eco-Beautiful Wedding features Coco-Zen Party Favor Truffles

Our Party Favor truffles were recently featured in green bridal publication Eco-Beautiful Weddings. Check us out in their Winter 2010 issue, page 22.

Look what they had to say about our truffles in their Daily Blog as well...

Quote of the Week - 01.17.10

"Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different outcome."
~Chinese Proverb

"Insanity is buying chocolate that is not Fair Trade."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates

Friday, January 15, 2010

Stuff We Found Today - 1.14.10 (We're back!!)

We know it's been a while since we last posted the "Stuff We Found". It was a far busier than expected holiday season for us (yea!!!), and then we decided to take a little break to catch our breath. Well, we're back now, and here's some of the stuff we found!

**Haiti Earthquake Relief - If you're interested in donating to the relief efforts for the Haiti earthquake disaster, here are some organizations to consider...

Family, Kids & Health Stuff

Food Stuff

Home Stuff

Beauty & Fashion Stuff

Tech & Science Stuff

School, College & Student Stuff

Nature & Environment Stuff

International Stuff

Political, Social & Economy Stuff
  • Coal Ash is So Safe, I'd Eat it on Cereal, Doctor Says - (EarthFirst.com) "...according to the GOP’s star witness at a December 10th hearing on “Drinking Water and Public Health Impacts of Coal Combustion Waste Disposal”, arsenic-packed coal ash is so safe, he’d eat it on cereal." Say what??!!!!! (video in post)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Green Resolutions... Hello 2010!

A new year... new resolutions. Of course, we're always thinking about ways we can green up our act, and our our friends over at Celebrate Green have some great suggestions on how to make all of life's celebrations, big or small, a little more friendlier to planet and people.


Resolved: To green up every celebration in 2010, from anniversaries to Valentine's Day

The great thing about this resolution is that it's so easy to follow! Just start with these tips and you'll be on your way to celebrating in ways that are better for the planet and people too. An added bonus? You're likely save save a bunch of cash as well.

1. Plan. Take advantage of the new year to get a calendar and fill in the dates for every event you think you'll celebrate this year. Include birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers, weddings, graduations, family reunions, even office parties, then add every holiday you celebrate in any way big or small.

Now make a list of items you'll need, i.e. tableware, decor, gifts, food etc.

Check off what you already own. Then list what you need to beg, borrow, exchange or purchase.

Print out the list (on recycled paper of course) or put it in your phone, PDA or calendar you carry with you.

When you're at the thrift store or a garage sale, or see a great local sale, check the item off your list. Or, if you're into setting up an exchange, one month before the event on your calendar, add in a date for a neighborhood get together to trade costumes, decor, plates or anything else you come up with.

2. Shop local and handmade. Shipping long distances is a no-no when you're trying to live in a more eco-friendly way. So it's always preferable to seek out items you're going to buy locally.

If you've planned ahead (see tip #1), then buying organic berries in the summer from your local farmer's market and freezing them for the blueberry pancakes you'll make your love on Valentine's Day makes the process easy and fun.

3. Throw no-waste celebrations. No waste doesn't mean no trash (unfortunately). It means that everything purchased around a celebration can be recycled, composted or reused. Planning ahead (see tip #1) helps a lot.

Here are a few ideas to make it easier still:
  • Be sure to have labeled bins available.

  • Ask guests to bring unwrapped gifts, then hide them (the gifts, not the guests) and have the recipient hunt for them.

  • Collect glass jars, decorate them if you like and have them available for guests to take home leftovers.

  • Resist purchasing throw away decor--plates, cups, tablecloths etc.--no matter how cute or how well they match your theme.

4. Make gifts and decor from items you already own, can collect, trade with friends or re-purpose. Some people consider themselves crafty and some don't. If you're in the latter category, it's not a crime, but how about giving it a try in 2010? By planning ahead (see hint #--OK by now you know what we're referring to), you'll have plenty of time to assemble the needed items, instructions or even take a class. This could be the year to learn to take old sweaters and turn them into gifts by learning how to needle felt. Or make an eco-friendly holiday tree, recycled jewelry or cook up green tomato preserves!

There are instructions for anything you'd like to craft online. Instructables and Craftster will get you started, but simply by typing in what you want to make plus the word, "instructions," you'll be on the road to DIY stardom.

Also, before throwing anything away, ask yourself whether it can be turned into a gift or decor item. Once you start looking at "trash" this way, you'll be amazed how often the answer will be, "Yes!"

5. Think about how to minimize energy waste before, during and after events.Plan parties during the day to minimize need for heat (depending on where you live) and lights.

  • Keep the temperature down if you're celebrating in the winter with masses of people. Body heat may suffice.

  • In summer, try using a solar oven for cooking instead of heating up the kitchen.

Top picks for celebrating green all year

Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter and co-authors of Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family, available at www.CelebrateGreen.net.

Quote of the Week - 01.10.10

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
~Eleanor Roosevelt

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of Fair Trade chocolate."
Coco-Zen Fair Trade chocolates